Chapter 22

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Harry’s POV

I finish tidying up the rest of the miscellaneous bowls and utensils we used before checking on the cupcakes in the oven. I glance over my shoulder to find Louis crouched down beside me, looking into the oven. “Not long now.” I comment before standing back up, wiping my hands on a tea towel. “Around five more minutes.”

I look out of the kitchen window towards the horizon where the sun seems to be beginning to set. The intense darkening of the sky into a blissful orange astounds my eyes as I let them adjust to the new light. I rest my elbow onto the windowsill before resting my head on the palm of my hand, watching the bright light escape behind the hills.

Louis stands beside me watching too, but I keep concentrated on the sun. I watch patiently as the sky turns from blue, to purple, to orange. The different colours fascinate my mind and as I begin to gain a relaxed state of mind, a beep from the oven rings through my eyes. The cupcakes are done.

I grab the oven glove before cautiously opening the oven. I turn the heat off before pulling the tray of cupcakes out and place them on the table. The small trail of steam coming from each cupcake delivers an aroma that sensationalises my nose. “They smell brilliant, Haz.” Louis breathes in deeply before smiling at me. I smile back before closing the oven door and taking the glove off.

“Leave them!” I yell at Louis as he picks one up.

“Wha… why?” He asks, confused.

“They need to cool, silly.” I playfully poke him in the side.

My attention is taken off Louis as the doorbell rings. I glance up to the clock on the wall, 6:45. Why would anybody be coming over now? I can’t say I’m exactly in the mood to go out and party, so if it’s anybody asking for that I’ll be slamming the door in their face. Apprehensively, I walk over to the door and open it.

“Evening.” A voice reveals itself as I open the door, and a two figures march past me and dash to the living room. They both sit down with their backs to us both on the sofa before saying one of them says, “Come in here you two.” The tone of the voice is quite aggressive, so I close the door before walking over and sitting down in front on the opposite sofa.

“What’s up you two?” Louis asks as he sits down.

“Well, I thought I’d come over rather than ring you, Harry, and I found the Irish one walking up the road so I thought I should tell him what’s gone on.” Liam’s eyes scan us both before Niall buts in.

“Yeah, I can’t believe Zayn would do that to be honest. I didn’t see him like that sort of person.” Niall rolls his eyes before letting the angry looking Liam continue.

“Well, I went to talk to him. He says that it’s his religion that stops him from being happy for you two. I respect him for it, but we’ve all been the best of friends now for over three years, and he can’t accept this? He’s ridiculous.” Liam’s facial expressions are furious as his hand motions become more aggressive after each passing word.

“I don’t know where he is now. After you left, we talked for around five minutes before he demanded that I leave for standing up for you two. He locked his door and he was gone, driving down the road. I text him but he hasn’t replied.” Liam places his head into his hands before rubbing his head up through his hands.

“I don’t see it as being bad.” The small, Irish voice speaks up. “I... We support you both one-hundred percent, but I’m worried about what this is going to do to us now… to One Direction.” Niall mutters before retreating back into his arms, bringing his knees up and wrapping his arms around them.

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