Ch. VII - Best Friends for Never

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     I make Blake drop me off a couple houses down, because I am so not prepared to handle my parents' reactions to us being... together? Are we together? As I walk to my house, I yawn. My lips feel all puffy and tender. Kyla once told me that was the sign of a good make-out. Which is totally was. I smile to myself in the dying light of dusk, spinning a few times as I skip along the sidewalk.

     I'm pretty sure that was the best afternoon of my life. Girls in movies always spend adorable days with their boyfriends, but they're like best friends. It's so cute, but I always thought it was fake. Something that only happened on tv and in silly romantic books.

     I never thought it could happen in real life.

    I practically dance to my front door, twirling and leaping and laughing. I hug myself, unable to stop from giggling. I shove my key into the lock, reaching up to touch my lips once more. I swing open the door, making a beeline for the stairs.

     "Kit, is that you?" I trudge, disappointed, towards the sound of my father's voice. I walk into the living room, and see my parents sitting together on the couch. Sitting in the armchair, all I can see is the back of a familiar dark head.

      "Kyla?" I start, shocked. The person in the chair stands and turns to me. It is Kyla. She glares at me, green eyes sparking. She looks angry. Why on earth would she be... Oh. Crap. I forgot about our project. "Oh my God, Kyla," I rush forward, my face in my hands. "I am so sorry! I forgot all about our project!"

     "Where exactly were you forgetting your project?" my mother asks sternly, narrowing her eyes and crossing her ankles. I shrink down on the loveseat, chewing on my lip. Crap. I wasn't ready for an interrogation.


  "Out, where, Kit?" my father interjects sharply, crossing his arms. I play with my K necklace, clueless as to how to explain myself.


    "You don't even have to try and lie, Kit. Because your lovely friend, Kyla, here," my mom turns to Kyla with a knowing smile, who gives one back, and continues, "told us all about it." Fear shoots through me, pulsing through my veins. My whole body feels weak.

     "Told... told you what?"

    "That apparently, there's something you haven't told us about. Or, really, someone," my mother says meaningfully, looking me up and down. I swallow the lump in my throat, anxiously tugging on my hair. I guess Lucas didn't even need to threaten to tell my parents about Blake. Because Kyla did it for him.


     "I can't say I approve, but your father and I knew this was coming." They share a look before my dad interrupts.

    "We also don't like that this... boy is interfering with your schoolwork." My father nods once briskly at Kyla. "We heard you didn't show up to work on your project as planned today, with Kyla." I stare at the beautiful dark-haired girl that is supposed to be my best friend. She stares back at me, and even though for the most part, she's emotionless, there's a glint in her eyes. She's enjoying this, on some sick level.

      "I'm sorry about that. It was a mistake. A one-time thing."

     "Apparently, you also procrastinated on an essay for one of your classes? You've never done this before. I don't want you getting distracted. Remember, you have a Plan, Kit." My mother nods enthusiastically at my sensible dad's words.

     God what is with everyone and this Plan thing? Can't I ever get a break?

      "He rides a motorcycle," Kyla bursts out with. I spin my head to glare at her. What the actual fuck? What is wrong with her? Why is she intentionally trying to ruin my life? Is she seriously trying to make my situation worse?

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