Ch. IX- Swiping the Card

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"And this is the library," Lucas gestures to a stately building in front of us, using his announcer voice. I sigh dreamily, pretending to be utterly swept away by the idea of a big house of books. Secretly, I am a little excited. I love libraries.

"Wow. Cool," I drone, and Lucas laughs.

"Am I boring you?"

"No, a tour of the campus is amazing," I admit, "But this is a lot of walking and buildings that look very similar. And I feel very... tiny. Compared to all these college students," I add as a tall, skinny, tan blonde girl in skintight clothing sashays past us, looking Lucas up and down like she's hungry. To me she only spares a passing, angry, glance.

"Well... what would you like to do?" he asks me earnestly, guiding me to a bench. As we sit, I tap my chin, pondering his question.

"What's something you've never done before?" I prod, restless beyond belief. Lucas eyes my jittery legs, and he shrugs.

"I've done, like, everything," he tells me, and I frown. That is so not possible.

"Even... sky-diving?" I giggle.


"Wait, what?" I ask in disbelief. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. When you have a lot of money, a lot of time, and you want to piss off your dad... you'll do anything," he says shyly.

"Your life sounds so cool. My parents raised me really strictly... I've never really done anything. After all," I continue bitterly, "You stole my first kiss. And I'm 18."

Lucas shakes his head, whistling.

"I'm a dumbass. I will never be forgiven. I understand," he sighs, rumpling his golden hair. I reach out my hand and lightly place it on his forearm. We don't really touch. After that hug, I don't really get it, but... maybe it's out of respect or regret. We're like two magnets of the same polarity. There's always this invisible barrier between us.

I'm not sure if I mind, which bothers me. Shouldn't I hate him? I should. But it seems so impossible. He's constantly at my house, eating dinner, and going out golfing with my dad. My mother adores him, constantly mentioning him when he isn't there. They're both waiting for us to actually go on a date, and I don't know how to tell them what happened. But I don't think I want to.

At the same time, he's so charming. I thought he would have been some douchebag like in the club that night, but he's so... Ugh, I can't even think of the words to describe him.

"You're forgiven, in a way," I try to say to placate him, but he just sighs again.

"I shouldn't be. To some girls it might not have been a big deal, but you're different. I know that now," he says softly. A blush creeps onto my cheeks, and I look away. Every moment I spend with Lucas feels like I'm cheating.

"Do you still feel like you owe me?" I ask, finally gathering enough courage to ask him for the favor I thought of weeks ago.

"Yes," Lucas replies almost instantly. I turn on the bench so I'm facing him nearly head-on. I look into his sparkly green eyes and try to believe the best in him.

"Then help me see him. Help me see Blake," I plea, grabbing his hand. It's been nearly two months since I last saw Blake. Two months of Lucas. And I didn't hate it, and it frightens me.

"Kit..." he says carefully, leaning away from me. I just move in closer, gripping his hand tighter.

"Please, Lucas. If you feel sorry for me, or care about me at all, you'll help me. Some way, I need to see him. Please."

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