1 Introduction thing ish

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A/N I don't own doctor who or any of the characters and would never claim to they all belong to the wonderful BBC and Steven Moffat but thank you for letting us make these story's!!!

It was over it was all over the the time war was finally finished but so were the time lords his entire species wiped out of existence with the single touch of a button. And he was the one who did he was the one that had killed them all guilt and grief ridden he set the destination for the farthest corner of the universe the engines hummed calming him he sat and pondered over what he had done he knew there was no possible way to make it any better but he pondered over it anyway.

Oswin Oswald was the new kid on the starliner Alaska therefore she always got stuck with the use less jobs such as cleaning the floors and toilets and all the other foul things they gave her to do
"I wanted to see the stars if I wanted to clean I would have stayed on earth" she thought to herself as she scrubbed the control panel several of the crew had a party in there last night and there was stuff every where and guess who was stuck cleaning it up you guessed it Oswin. "I'm a total screaming genius I could run this whole ship single handedly and look I'm stuck cleaning." She muttered  just then the warning alarms started blaring she looked out the window and saw a planet slowly rising up towards her... And the ship tilted into a nose dive.

The TARDIS came to a stop the doctor walked to the door expecting to see the green apple grass fields of new earth but instead saw a thing that scared him too the core, he slowly stepped out of the TARDIS his shaky hands closing the door behind him " "DOCTOR IT IS THE DOCTOR IT IS THE DOCTOR" as he stepped forward they all silenced a young girl with red hair stepped forward to great him she had a eyestalk protruding out of her forehead so he guessed she was some kind of hybrid only one kind of monster would do such a horrible thing "EXTERMINATE"

The ship crashed and buried itself into the ground Oswin slowly got up her head ringing from the impact she shook it to clear the dizziness after standing there for a few minutes she decided she couldn't bear not knowing where she was picking her way through the rubble she went to the airlock door "on second thought I don't know what the atmosphere is like out there" she ran back over to the scanner thankfully it still worked it looked basically the same as earths but looking outside she could see it was a bleak white land scape she grabbed her white Alaska coat and stepped out of the door "where am I" she muttered and started walking forwards

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