2 Sent into the asylum

31 2 0

'IT IS THE DOCTOR' shouted a Darlek
'How is this possible I killed you all. All the Darleks and all the time lords killed in one Big Bang' stuttered the doctor still in shock 'THE DARLEKS ARE ETERNAL WE WILL NEVER BE EXTERMINATED'
'What'd you bring me here for anyway' asked the doctor regaining some of his confident swagger 'WE NEED YOU'
'Need me why on earth would you need me I'm your arch enemy your nemesis the oncoming storm why do you required my services?' There was a slight pause before the darleks answered 'SAVE US YOU WILL SAVE US' the doctor looked incredibly confused 'I'll what?' Darleks eyes talk swivels in irritation 'YOU WILL SAVE THE DARLEKS SAVE THE DARLEKS SAVE THE DARLEKS SAVE THE DARLEKS! The doctor incredibly confused simply stated 'well this is new

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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