2/8/15 - Self Defence

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Moving on a bit from friendship issues now.

Whenever somebody gets on my nerves or is teasing me or making me uncomfortable, etcetera etcetera, I always get told to stand up for myself. And then I never can.

I can't yell at people; they just laugh whenever I get mad.

I can't use sarcasm or comebacks; hell, I never have anything sarcastic to say until three bloody days after the incident.

I can't physically fight back; I am not strong, at all.

So when I'm backed into a corner, and haven't got anyone to help me, I don't know what the heck to do. I can't physically do anything because I'm too weak to stand up for myself and too easy to pick on.

It frustrates me so much when I find myself in a situation where my only options are things that will make it worse. And every time I ask for help after its all over, I get the same advice; stand up for yourself.

I am not physically capable of standing up for myself!

I don't really know what the point of ranting about how weak I am is but if anyone has the slightest idea of what I mean by "I can't stand up for myself" please comment.

Also, if anyone has advice please tell me because I can't go back to school in five weeks still feeling like this.

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