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As I stormed my way out of McKinley, I managed to pick up a taxi and headed down to Dalton Academy. As usual, when I got there, they were practising some upbeat tune from a cheesy boyband, and practicing the dance routine. I couldn't bear to walk in during their practice, as it brought back too many happy memories of me and Blaine dancing around the same hall, singing to each other and falling in love. I waited outside until they began to disperse from the room.

I went unnoticed for a while, until I caught someone's eye. He smirked when he saw me, and began to walk towards me slowly. When he was near enough to keep the conversation private, he leaned his body against the wall in a narcissistic and self-involved manner. I was soon to learn that first impressions were correct as he continued the conversation in the exact same nature.

"You must be Kurt Hummel." He acknowledged. He sounded like he was trying to imitate a villain from a Bond movie. I chuckled, glared at him. I was severely glad Blaine got out of this school when he did, or he would have had the same sly and scheming smile plastered on his face as this guy did. "And, who exactly are you?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Hunter, Hunter Clarington." He lifted himself off the wall and extended a firm hand for me to shake. There was a moment of silence between us when I noticed there was no one else surrounding us. I glanced down at his lonely hand and grinned. "I'm not here to make friends. There's something I've been meaning to discuss with you about one of your former Warblers." I emphasised the word 'former', I just couldn't contain myself. Hunter narrowed his eyes at me. "No, it's not Blaine." I glared.

He nodded and turned to the nearest door. He opened it and led me into the Warblers's practice room. He gestured for me to take a seat while he made himself comfortable at the top table. I remained standing, which seemed to surprise him. Clearly, this was someone who liked to be dominant and isn't fond of people going against what he expected.

"You wondering why Sebastian isn't at school today?" I began. All of a sudden, his attention was undivided. He leaned against the table, listening very carefully. I guessed he was uncertain whether I was actually going to tell him the truth. "Well, here's what I suppose you won't know yet. He's not coming back here. He's not even a student at Dalton anymore." His eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows raised and his nostrils flared. His eyes averted away from mine, trying to gather this in his head.

"And why is that, I hear you ask? Because he traded his beloved Warbler pals for the New Directions. Yeah, he moved to McKinley. He started term here today and seemed so eager to join up as a member of the New Directions." I could see he wanted to speak, but I kept talking. "And, no, if you think I'm gloating, I definitely am not. My life would've been a hell of a lot easier if he had just stayed put. I can't stand the sight of him!" I wanted to carry on, but I finally wanted to hear what he would say. "But, enough about me. I'm on a tight schedule. Now, you know everything." I turned on my heel to walk away as he digested the information.

"You're lying, right?" He called after me in an accusatory tone. I chuckled and turned to face him again. He didn't seem very happy and, even though he asked if I was lying, I could see he knew what was really going on.

"No, no I am not lying. If you don't believe me, you can always, I don't know, ask your BFF, Sebastian, yourself, right?" Before he could say any more, I thought I got away until he shouted something that shocked me.

"So, he really traded us for that girl back in New Directions?" He spat. I froze, still not facing him, but intrigued. "He really cares more about her, he just doesn't give a shit about us?" He was infuriated. Again, he showed me just how much he hated it when things didn't go according to his plan.

"What girl?" I was immediately curious. I didn't know that anyone in McKinley gave a crap about him. Don't even get me started on the New Directions. Everyone acted like they wanted to kill him, I hadn't heard of anyone saying anything remotely nice about him. Then again, I thought perhaps they had been hiding it from me, since everything that happened with Blaine. But who?

"I saw her at the sing-off." My heart sank. I felt disgusted and betrayed. I thought about who would go behind my back like that. Quinn? No, I think there's something between her and Puck right now, or Sam. Rachel? I mean, she dated Jessie St. James who was the enemy? No, there's Finn. Santana? Brittany? It had to be one of them, because let's be real here, those two have went around the guys at McKinley at least twice each, maybe they wanted to venture further afield. Not to mention they were spying on us for Coach Sylvester at the beginning.

"I can't remember her name, exactly. But, she was Latina, had long, dark, luscious hair. She's probably one of the hottest girls I've ever laid eyes on." I wrinkled my nose at him, but he looked unashamed and chuckled. "Okay, her name started with an 'S', I'm sure of it." I closed my eyes tight and shook my head. That fucking bitch.

"Could her name have been something like Santana?" My chest got tighter and tighter. I could've cried or vomitted - or both. My teeth were clenched tight, my heart pounding as infuriation rose inside of me.

He slapped the table, as though I'd hit the nail on the head. "Yes, yes! That's the one, that's her." He smiled. Even though I was angry about the betrayal, I couldn't help feeling as though he'd been trying to figure out her name even before we had this conversation. I don't know why, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.

As I left Dalton, I thought everything through. When I got home, I dumped my bag on the floor and ran up to the bathroom, splashing water all over my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.

"Holy fucking shit."

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