Chapter 19

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Kahari navigates us through the field of combatants raging towards us. He cuts them down with the power of his Aurea Gladiis. The ones who aren't directly slewn by him thump to the ground when stray bullets ricochet off of his blades. After combing through the endless stream of assailants, with me fighting off any aerial attacks, we reach the blue house. A squad of sentries stands guard around the house. Their immense amber colored eyes are wide and alert to our approach. Immediately, they start firing in attempt to prevent out entry. While Kahari covers me I fixate my eyes toward the sky to search for any squadrons. I shoot down a couple of incoming planes which spiral away. Kahari cuts down the entire force of soldiers with a few expertly placed swipes. He brings his blades down creating an arc of golden light. The light slices the door in the shape of the blade's edge. I run backwards after him in order to ward off any surprise sentry men. The hallway stretching ahead of us is surprisingly long.

"Stay here and watch my back. I'm going to attach the bomb. It'll take a few minutes though. If any one comes you need to kill them on your own. Your hand gun doesn't have the strength to take down an entire force of soldiers. You need to use your surroundings to take them down," he instructs. I nod understandingly and keep my gun pointed for intruders. In the corner of my vision I can see Kahari beginning to climb a large statue behind me. The statue is sculpted from what I determine must be stone. It seems to be fashioned in the image of the aliens we're defending against. The sound of heavy footsteps approaching alerts me to approaching infantry. I shoot at the ones I see approaching and watch as they fall forward. I keep the muscles in my hands tensed, ready to shoot down any other enemies. Thundering footsteps pound across the floor again creating an intimidating echo. Knowing I won't be able to shoot them all down I look around the room. Attached to the ceiling are a few light bulbs. I run forward and aim at a safe distance. My bullet hits the target and pierces the bulb's glass skin. Shards of glass are sent flying and spray my target. The glass flies out at the aliens like a swarm of butterflies released from a net. They shirk back and cower behind their arms. Seizing my opportunity, I pick them off with a rapid release of gun fire. Despite my clever maneuver some of them manage to evade me and rush forward. I pinpoint the place where they're running to and then shoot the ceiling. A giant pile of rubble ensues sending dust scattering. The aliens are crumpled and hidden from sight.

"Are you almost done there?" I yell at Kahari.

"The bomb is tricky. In order to end the simulation I have to fit it at the top of the statue!" he yells.

I wipe a thick coating of moisture from my forehead in exasperation. Suddenly out of nowhere the gun is knocked from my hand. I whip around to see a pair of angry amber eyes peering at me. The handle of a gun is used to strike my cheek. The impact sends me flying away from Kahari. He pays no attention and continues to focus on planting the bomb. I realize he won't be of any help to me. He probably wants to see how I'll handle this on my own. I back away from the alien and touch a hand to my bruised back. I roll away from the bullet fired at me and manage to hide behind the statue. Abruptly ,what must be a dozen aliens swarm out from behind closed doors. They don't seem to see Kahari at the top of the statue. Their magnified eyes are trained solely on me. With no weapon to defend myself I'm left terrified. But my survival instincts kick in and refuse to permit my surrender. I scramble onto the statue and grab ahold of its ridges. The aliens close in on me in a circle. Their thin guns are all trained on me. Hoping to surprise them I leap down screaming. Momentarily frightened they leap back.

Soon realizing that my attack was a simple parlor trick they begin to close in on me again. I run ahead and somehow manage to escape their gunfire. My evasion takes me into a small room where the aliens came from. The room is seemingly empty and I take a moment to gather my bearings. Knowing I'll have to come out I decide to rush at the aliens in one final hurrah. I know as soon as I go out I'll be shot down and fail the simulation. But at least I'll fail in a bout of bravery. I throw the door open and time seems to slow down.

I watch as the bullets whiz through the air and seem to zip towards me. I launch myself at the nearest alien ignoring the stinging pain that spreads throughout my body. I grab onto his gun and manage to rip it away from him. A fiery heat spreads throughout my muscles and I assume it to be the gunfire's affect. But then I remember pain can't be felt during the simulation. Confused, I drop the gun thinking it must be the cause of the heat. Another alien attacks me jumping onto me. The other aliens stand back and allow him to tackle me without attempting to intervene. As the alien pushes me to the floor I throw my weight against it.

I manage to push it back with an abrupt force. My hands shove against the alien's broad shoulders. But as I watch him fly back I raise my hands which burn with a warm sensation I've never experienced before. I watch in disbelief as a wave of hot blue electricity crackles out before me. The lightning heat sparkles forth with the launch of my hands striking down the aliens. They all crumble to the floor in a heap of burning flesh. I watch in horror as the electricity continues to pour forth and Kahari's widened eyes connect with mine. The electric wave pulsates forward striking down the statue. Gray rubble explodes left and right and Kahari tumbles downwards in slow motion. His body seems to be suspended in the rod of electricity as he crashes through the air. My lips open in a silent scream. I thrust my hands and body forward in attempt to catch him. But before I can move any further my limbs freeze and my mind falls into a black slate of oblivion.

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