Chapter 10 <3

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First off, I wanna say thanks to all the readers (: I don't think I'd still be writing without you guys, or writing any stories for that matter. This is chapter 10, finally in the double didgets!! X'D


I followed the two, I couldn't get the silly little smile off my face. The three of us walked down to the dining room and sat at the table, a maid coming up to serve us. She brought plates with fancy food on them and set on infront of each of us. I smiled at her and started eating, soon enough we were on our way to school, with the Host Club as our first destination.

The whole time I was wondering if I should tell the others. I wasn't sure how exactly they would act, and I'm sure they have noticed my changes along the way, I wasn't as around the twins anymore, but if those two and Haruhi weren't in the room, I don't think I'd say a word to anyone in the host club. I smiled at how close I had gotten to the two twins already, maybe they were ready to see my prankster side, after all they were close enough, but first I might have to open up to the rest of the host club. I excused myself for interrupting a conversation between all the hosts to pull the twins aside.

"Do you guys think we should tell the others?" I left the question at that, not wanting to say anything about the new home I was at in case someone as listening. "It's up to you." The twin said as one, I smiled and brought them all back to the group. I cleared my throat, "um, guys?" I said shyly still not really ready to open up to the whole host club, and still shy because I didn't know a lot of them. "Yes Ri-chan?" Honey asked, directing the others attention to me.

"I-I have a-a-an announcem-ment." Everyone looked at me, some in shock and some in curiosity, the twins just smiled at me, nodding. "I'm c-currently living with t-the twins, b-because of an issue I had at home. I-I'm most likely going t-to be living with them from now o-on." I said, gaining some confidence, so I didn't trip over every word. Everyone gave a shocked look, Tamaki's jaw was on the floor. "BUT YOU CAN'T!! NOT WITH THE SHADY TWINS!! THEY'LL CORRUPT YOU!!!" he wailed. "Live with me!" He then came to conclusion,bye grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes. I looked at him a bit strangely, fright clearly written on my face, I ran and hide behind Haruhi. Tamaki followed me, and tried to touch me again. "Tamaki, you can't force her, she doesn't even know you." Haruhi told him, and I hid behind her like a small child would hide behind their mothers. He kind of creeped me out, I hadn't had any classes with him since he is older, and he always tried to hold my hand or act all prince like. I don't like being touched!

While he was destracted I ran and hid behind the twins. Tamaki ran after me, soon after he noticed I wasn't behind Haruhi anymore. "Move you shady twins." He told them, the just crossed their arms. "Sorry boss, no can do. We must protect our lady." The said together, the whole 'our lady' thing threw Tamaki into a fit. "We need to keep her safe, she must be out of harms way, no matter the circumstances. And that means she can't be with you. Plus our mom is going to adopt her." They smiled. Again Tamaki's jaw dropped. I let out a small giggle.

The twins both put an arm around my shoulder. I smiled at the two of them. "Why are you so close with them?!" Tamaki whined. "Because she has classes with us, had been to our house, we have done projects for class together, and we aren't always bombarding her with questions, and always trying to act like Prince Charming towards her." They said with smug looks, I nodded my head in agreement, and Tamaki went to pout in his little corner that he started growing mushrooms in.


Really starting to run out of ideas for this story D; but it's getting up to one of the first Fanfictions when you search Hikaru Hitachiin ^.^ thanks guys <3 send me some ideas please!! I need something they can all do next, like a big event or something.

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