Chapter 15

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*Rima's POV*

The three of us (myself and the twins) went down to eat some breakfast, all of us with twisted grins on our face as our prank would continue on today, and today would be the biggest part of our prank, and also the grand finale. Neither of us could get the smiles off of our faces as we planned out how the day would go. I of course would just be sad, and only be around once in a while, trying to avoid the twins at all costs, and barely talk to anyone, except maybe Haruhi. The twins would wear their mothers blue and pink wigs, Hikaru would wear the Pink and Kaoru, the blue. 

Once we got into the limo we all tried our best to get the smiles off of our faces, only somewhat working; we put ourselves into character for our little plan. I of course decided to get our chauffeur to stop a block away so I could sit up by him, to 'separate' myself from the twins, just to make it look more believable. 

Just as we got to school, I saw part of the Host club out, Haruhi had a slightly worried look on her face, and I only grinned devilishly. When we got out of our limo, I looked to the twins, who both in turn looked back at me, and we glared at each other, then looked away and stomped away from each other. 

As class was about to start, I walked into the classroom first, smiling at Haruhi, and greeting her. She was about to say something when Hikaru walked in and interrupted her. "Good morning Haruhi" he said as he smiled towards her. "No wonder she wouldn't let you come over, you're always interrupting her." I looked at him smugly. He just simply glared, as Kaoru walked in, "Haruhi, good morning!" He smiled brightly, ad he ignored both the presence of Hikaru and I. 

I just sat there silently, as Haruhi and the twins talked about their 'new' hair colour, and styles. Finally the teacher came in and stopped the twins from throwing things at each other, while Haruhi and I sat there sighing. After class we went to lunch, Haruhi following today because she was worried about the twins.

As they were ordering, the two of them ended up saying everything, in exact sync, and towards the end of it, the were ordering things they didn't even like. I sighed, trying to keep in act. I turned back to the group, as they sat amazed at the fact that they were still in perfect sync. Little did they know, it was all planned. I snickered silently. Eventually, the boys had ended up throwing food all around the cafeteria, I left them to continue, not wanting to have to clean up after them. 

Hopefully this would end soon, I did love pranks.. but I don't like having to be so harsh on the two. They had brought me so much joy, I couldn't help but feel like they wee getting hurt, even if it was all a script, and planned... I wonder if they really were, some times it seemed like it. 

Walking back to my afternoon classes, I came upon Haruhi, the two of us started talking, when she asked me if the fight was serious. I nodded my head. "The twins are horrible. They're both so annoying, I wish they would just be normal." I said, trying to think of something to say. She nodded back to me in response, not really saying anything else as we continued to walk to class. 

The rest of the day would have almost been uneventful, until the twins started arguing again, and Kaoru brought out a cursed cat he got from a the Black Magic club, and soon it was my turn to come into play. "You two are so annoying! I wish you were just normal! So that's why," I said as I took out a charm attached to a string" I'm going to hypnotize you, and maybe it will make it so you two aren't so messed up!" I said, venom dripping from my voice.

Everyone but Kyoya and Mori gasped. I started to sway the jewel back and forth, and the two stared at it, "You will act like normal human beings, no longer-" I was cut of by Haruhi hitting me and the twins on the head. She yelled at us, telling us how foolish and childish it was to bring Black Magic toys into a petty fight, and that if we didn't make up that the twins would never be able to come over to her house. The three of us grinned devilishly, "So you're saying that if" Hikaru started "we make up, we can come over?" Kaoru continued. The two turned to each other and played on with their brotherly love act, but then turned to me, putting themselves on each of my sides, holding me in an embrace as they apologize to me as well. "Oh Rima, We're sorry!! We didn't want to say such hurtful things to you, but we had to follow the script, we're so sorry!!" They began rubbing their cheeks against my own. I smiled widely, "It's ok, it was our plan, we all agreed to follow it, I'm sorry for being so harsh on you guys!" I pouted at the end and they just pulled me into a tight hug. 

The Hosts all stood shocked at the turn of events, concluding that twins and company (me being said company) were truly devils when they had too much time on their hands. Haruhi looked horrified since she knew, the twins would be over as soon as they got a chance. At the end of the day, the twins and I were closer than ever, even though Kaoru seemed a bit more distanced than Hikaru was, I didn't mind, it was really up to him that he wasn't as close as his brother, but I couldn't help but to wonder why he was distancing himself more than his brother, maybe he would make more of an effort to get closer with Haruhi, it would be good for the two of them to try to separate themselves, and I think Kaoru sees that. With those thoughts, I smiled. "What is it?" Hikaru asked as we had been talking, but I was thinking, as he was laughing and telling me about the day in places when I wasn't there. "It's nothing, just thinking." I smiled up at him, since even though we were sitting down, we was taller than I am. 

"Alright," he smiled back at me, I hadn't noticed at first, but after I laid down, Hikaru did as well beside me. I could tell Hikaru was really tired, and I was too by now, and soon enough, without any warning our words faded, into whispers, and then, into silence. 

*Kaoru's POV* 

I yawned as I went to find Hikaru, him and Rima had been in her room talking last I knew, I didn't mind that he wasn't with me. I was actually quite happy he was opening up, and drifting away slowly. As I came up to her door, silence was all I heard, I pushed the door since it was only slightly ajar, and looked towards her bed, there was Rima, and my twin brother sleeping together in the same bed, cuddled up together. I noticed the blankets were at the foot of the bed since the maids probably weren't used to the bed being used quite yet, so I went and pulled them over the two. I watched as my brother held Rima closer to himself, and I couldn't help but smile. 

Rima, you're opening his world. Please, never leave him. You've been better to him than I ever could, he is finally starting to move away from me, and that has never happened. Please, keep opening his world.


Ooooooooh, Kaoru aproves!!!! Sorry if some of the wording/spelling/grammar isn't right. I haven't watched the anime in like 2 years, and I'm just to lazy to double check it, whoops. 

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