Shocking news

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My eyes flutter open, a bright makes me close them again then slowly open the light no being so bad this time, I let my eyes wander around, where am I? What happened. I tried sitting up wincing in pain laying back down
"Shhh, I think she's waking up." A male voice catches my attention "Kayla ?" the voice says softly "It's Chris"
I let my eyes open more as I see the male figure come to my side "C-Chris?" I ask in a confused small voice "Where am I? What happened?" I say a little more panicked as I feel nothing but pain in my stomach. Chris frowns and a couple of my brothers leave the room with painful expressions on their faces "Kayla you are In the gave you not remember?" he says very confused, I shake my head no "I remember falling asleep on my bed that's all.." I say very disappointed in myself "are they okay?" I ask shyly, Ron looks down "They are healthy, very early but healthy, only two of them made it" He says very quietly. I start to form words just as what he says hit me 'only' two made it "What do you mean I was pregnant with twins...two boys" the confusion dripped into every word, Ron looks at me with a grief stricken face "you were pregnant with was still born...." he trails of as he watches my face. I let my brain think, I lost a child I didn't even know about. Why did I go into labor so early? I sigh letting some tears fall "Can I see the twins?" I ask sadly, he shrugs "I will go get the nurse" He said quietly, shuffling out of the room with his head down and his hands in his pockets. I look up crying the grief hitting me.

About 10 minutes later a young looking female came into the room "Hi Kayla, I'm your nurse Christy! How are you feeling?" Christy gives me a half smile waiting for me to respond "I uhm...I'm in a little pain and my throats dry.." I say taking her appearance in, she was wearing her long black hair in a braid, she wore a pair of black scrub pants with a pink scrub shirt. I sigh looking at her as she started to speak "Well the pain will subside you had an emergency C-section and you got 15 stitches, as for your throat you have been in a coma for three days so that's normal, I'll get you some ice chips and water" she smiles a little more. My mouth opens in shock "three days...." I mumble "can I see my babies?" I ask quietly, she looks at me and thinks for a second "I'll have to have the doctor answer that one but you seem to be doing okay, I will go page him" she smiles and walks out of the room, as she walks out my father walks in holding two car seats and a bag. He looks at me a small side smile on his face "Hey princess" he sets down the seats and bags in the corner coming over to me kissing my forehead.

I smile a little "Hi dad" I sigh as I watch him sit down in the chair next to my hospital bed. He takes ahold of my hand "How are you feeling sweetheart?" I shrug looking at his tan hand. He lets out a sigh and looks at me I can't believe you're a mother and I'm a grandfather" I look over at him letting out a small laugh "those boys have got a lot ahead of them" I let a small smile form on my face. "This is true, but for now they will be care free...I always thought Ice would be the one to have a child first, not my youngest child" he laughs a little as do I. "Dad where did the boys go?" I asked curiously he looked at me nervously "They went to talk to Chase.." it took me a second to process what he had just said "Why the hell...." my sentence was caught off but a doctor walking in.
"Hello, I'm Dr.Owens, I was the one who preformed the C-section. How are you feeling today?" he smiles nicely, he was young looked mid 20s slicked back brown hair typical doctor outfit. "I'm doing okay." I muttered annoyed with everyone asking me the same thing over and over again. "Well that's good, I'm here to talk to you about you and the twins" I nod at his statement and he keeps talking.
"As you were informed you had a C-section and had a still born, I'm very sorry for your loss, besides that child you had Baby A who weighed 3 pounds 1 ounce, he now weighs 4 pounds 6 ounces. He was born on June 8th 2015 at 7;36pm, Baby B weighed 4 pounds 2 ounces, he now weighs 5 pounds 8 ounces. He was born June 8th at 7;43pm. The twins are now breathing on their own." he looks at with a look to continue. I nod yawning a little. "Now when we bring them in we will help you hold them but one at a time, we will have a nurse come in and make the birth certificates and teach how to breastfeed if you are planning to feed that way, if not she can show you how to bottle feed. You're father made the decision to get the boys circumcised, so the nurse will show you how to change the diaper and clean the area. Other then that you will be free to go in a day, come back in a week to get your stiches out. Any questions?" he finishes and I nod "yes, when can I see them?" I say softly. "The nurse should bring them in after you eat and get your vitals check. Anything else?" I shake my head "Alright, I wish the best of luck." He smiles and walks out of the room.
I yawn and then look at my dad "What time is it?" I say quietly, he glances at his watch "4;30" he states standing up "I'm going to go home and get some sleep okay? You're phones on the tray fully charged, Chuckie is on his way here with some food for you he went back to the house to sleep" I nod and he walks out of the room. I reach over grabbing my phone typing in my password I open instagram, I scroll through liking a couple post. After that I open up Facebook posting

'Officially a mommy to two healthy baby boys, I may be young but they are now my life.'
I smile as I post it, three minutes later the likes and comments roll in
Jacob :'wow you're only 15 and you had kids. Shouldn't you be playing with dolls?'
Mercy ;'Congrats , good luck!'
Hannah; 'awh so happy for you I miss you booboo, love yew'
Marie; 'whore'
Lane; 'you are a slut, do you know who the baby daddy is, smh'
I close Facebook not caring about the hate, "Knock knock!" I hear a deep voice say laughing, I look up and see Chuckie, I smile happily as he walks over to me kissing my cheek "Chuckie!" I squeal happily hugging "That's me! And I come bringing a Panera grilled cheese with tomato soup and a cookie with a iced coffee!" he says as he pulls the tray over placing the food onto the tray. I sit up as much as I can getting the food out starting to eat as Chuckie sits down. "Do you know what you want to name the babies?" he asks with a chuckle. I thinking for a second "I think I'm going to name them...."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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