Question & Answer

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This chapter may not be very long but I probably will add to it.

Q: Do you teach sex ed?

A: Nope, I am not an adult and I am not even looking into the teaching career field.

Q: Does your period hurt?

A: It depends. Technically it isn't the period hurting, but depending on the person you may experience cramps.

Q: Does using a tampon make you lose your virginity?

A: Believe it or not this is a commonly asked question. No, using a tampon does not. You only lose your virginity when you have sexual intercourse.

Q: Does my period stop in water?

A: No, actually. Your period only slows down in water.

Q: I found a rusty brown stain in my underpants. Could that be my period?

A: Yes, it probably is. Your period can come in many colors anywhere from a light pink to a dark brown.

Q: Will people know I have my period?

A: No, not unless they see you leak through your pants or unless you tell them.

Q: How do I tell my parent/s (or legal guardian) that I got my period?

A: How you do about this is entirely up to you but I suggest sitting them down and flat out saying that you got your period. Some people say that you could tell them through a text or a note but I think that confrontation works best.

Q: How do I know my flow is heavy?

A: Well usually you can tell, but not always if it is your first time I guess. If (this is in the situation of just wearing a pad with no tampon) you need to change your pad every one and a half to two hours and you still feel wet and soggy down there then you definitely have a heavy flow.

Q: Which is better, using pads or tampons?

A: Once again, it is up to you. If you don't feel comfortable sticking something inside of you then a tampon is not for you.

Q: Are scented products OK to use?

A: I have never had any issue with scented products but the chemicals in the product can give you a rash or irritate your skin if you have sensitive skin.

Q: At what age is it okay to use a menstrual cup?

A: This, unlike tampons I actually do have an opinion on. I don't suggest using a menstrual cup when your first start your period (totally up to you,) but you can if you want. I have never and will never use one only because I don't feel comfortable sticking my fingers in there any time of the month.

Q: Is there a way to go swimming on your period without using a tampon or menstrual cup?

A: No, there isn't. Using pads are useless because all they do is absorb water, so then they can't absorb blood. They are also really easy to spot through a suit.

Q: What is that white sticky stuff you get? And is it healthy?

A: That "white sticky stuff" is called discharge. And yes, it is entirely healthy. Discharge is your vaginas way of cleansing itself. You usually get discharge anywhere for three days to three years before a period. If it makes you uncomfortable then you can wear a liner in your panties every day.

Q: Is there a way to make your period come faster?

A: No, there isn't. Your body is ready when it's ready, and no tea, exercise move, or bath salt can change that.

Q: Are you a gyno?

A: No, I am not. I'm not a doctor either, which is another question I have gotten.

Q: How do you know so much about periods?

A: No need to worry, I am not some ignorant person going by what they think and their opinions. I get my information from several sources. My friend's mother, who is a gynecologist. My super funny old middle school sex ed teacher, whom I have kept in touch with. My doctor, and last but not least, I do research.

Q: Why didn't you start a YouTube channel like you said you would?

A: After some consideration I decided not to because I can write everything here that I can say in a video.

Q: I just started my period in July and its coming in the next few days. I'm really busy tomorrow so I don't want to wear a pad and not start and then get that awkward diaper feeling, but I don't want to start without one and be embarrassed about it either. What do I do?

A: You should wear a liner just in case you do start, but you won't feel awkward like there's a towel between your legs. Instead of wearing a pad you should bring a pad with you and just keep it in a bag or a pocket.

Q: I got my period last night, four days early, and tonight I'm staying in my friends house! We don't really talk about periods, and if anything happens I'm probably just gonna die of embarrassment right there. Plus I water sports camp all this week! I do use tampons but I don't really trust them. Any tips?

A: Tampons are trust worthy, but if you don't feel comfortable using them there's no pressure to. But I'm sorry to say, you will have to use a tampon or a menstrual cup for water sports camp. And if any embarrassing leaks happen at the sleep over happen, just tell her that you need to go change. You don't need to talk about it with her afterwards if you don't want to, every girl bleeds out of her vagina once a month, she will understand. But don't forget to bring a spare pair of pajama bottoms.

Q: How old are you?

A: I don't reveal my name, age, or face online, sorry. But I will say I am not a legal adult yet.

Q: What tampons are best for beginners?

A: I would suggest Lites or Regulars, and try Compaks or Clicks, those are good as well. I definitely suggest starting out with a smaller tampon, but if your flow is too heavy for that then I would say a UBK (U by Kotex) Click Super is really good. The slimmer the better.

Q: What is a "light" flow?

A: You have a light flow when you can go four to five hours on a regular pad without needing to change.

Q: What are your recommended products for beginners?

A: It all depends on your flow. I am using pads assuming that as a first time period you aren't using tampons (it is fine if you are, I did.) If you have a light or regular flow I would suggest the Always Totally Teen, U by Kotex Tween, Always Ultra- Thin Regular, or Always Ultra- Thin Slender. If you have a heavy flow I would still say U by Kotex Tween, but also, Always Infinity Heavy, Playtex Sport Heavy, Always Ultra- Thin Extra Long Super.

Q: How do you know what your flow level is?

A: Usually you just know, but here are a few ways to tell if you don't. If you can go four to five hours on a regular pad without needing to change then you have a light flow. If you can go three or four hours on a regular pad then your flow is regular. If you can go two hours on a regular pad your flow is heavy. If you can maybe get lucky at an hour and a half on a regular pad then you have a really heavy flow.

Q: Why does my blood turn brown after a while? When it comes out it's red, but later it's brown. Is this normal?

A: Your blood turns brown because once it starts to dry the oxygen doesn't have the same reaction with it to turn it bright red. It's like getting a cut, the scab is dried blood and your scab is brown due to chemical reactions.

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