Chapter Three

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Heather shakily stood up.  Henry gently grabbed her hand and helped her steady herself.  They quickly and silently made their way to Heather’s car in the parking lot of the Top Coffee Shop.  Heather fumbled with the keys, and managed to unlock the car.  Before Heather could object, Henry slid into the driver’s seat and took the keys.  She was still in too much of a state of shock to even register what he was doing. She just compliantly slid into the passenger’s seat.  Henry started up the ignition, and gracefully drove out of the parking lot.  They were quiet for a few more minutes.  Finally, Henry blurted out, “So do you believe me now?!”  Heather, who had been staring, dazed, out the window this entire time, slowly turned her head toward Henry, with a frustrated, confused, and angry expression on her face.

“Do I believe you now?! Really? You just killed a potentially innocent man by burning him alive and THAT’s what you’re worried about right now?  If I believe your stupid little story or not? Are you kidding me?!  It’s official.  I am in a car with a crazy person.  A crazy person who might potentially kill me.  Fantastic!”  Heather continued ranting until Henry finally interrupted her and said quietly, “But, do you believe me?”  This made Heather pause, and Henry glanced over at her.  For the first time since they first met, she made eye contact with him again.  His sea-green, penetrating eyes felt like they could see right through her and could see all her thoughts.  Despite all the crazy events, she felt at ease with him momentarily and felt like she could trust him with her life.  She had never believed anyone more strongly than she believed Henry right now. 

That was all it took.  Heather sighed, and managed to tear her gaze away from his gripping one.  Henry returned his eyes to the road, and he knew without a single doubt in his mind that she believed him.

“But this is crazy . . . ”  Heather tried.

“No, it’s not.  You know it’s true.  The only reason you think it’s crazy is because that’s what you were raised to believe.  It’s like what I said before about reality.  See, when you were a kid, you were taught that the only things real in life are the ones that you can see.  Anything that had to do with magic, special abilities, or far-fetched ideas were supposedly ‘impossible’ or ‘unreal.’ This idea has been passed on for generations!  If you were taught to believe something without questioning, when you see something that contradicts it, your brain simply won’t register it.  While your eyes may see it, your brain will try to comprehend it, but won’t because, according to the information it’s been given its whole life, it’s not possible.  That’s why I wasn’t worried about creating a scene back there with that guy.  People walking down the street will see it, but if their brain is resistant to believing it, they won’t really know that they’re seeing it.  This is also why you’re so resistant to believing this, because you were raised to not believe this.  But, you saw the whole scene, you remember it, and you actually believe this because the extra brain power is allowing you to and does comprehend it,” Henry explained.  He pulled into Heather’s driveway as soon as he finished talking.  “Look, if you really don’t want to believe me, try it yourself.  You have the special abilities.  All you have to do is clear your mind and focus; the rest will work itself out.  Just don’t try to set something on fire.  It could potentially destroy your brain, because it’s not used to that kind of power.  What I did back there, I did it for a reason.  If you truly believe me and want to help us, I can tell you more about it.  You are a Kidellian, Heather.  Embrace it.”  And with that, Heather couldn’t bear to listen to any more of this craziness.  She unbuckled her seat belt, fumbled the car door open, and scurried out and up her porch steps.  She looked back to say good-bye to Henry, only to find that he had disappeared, her car keys sitting nicely on the roof of her car.

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