There Was Once A Little River (Death Arc: Lucy)

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Part One of Three: Lucy

She may not have been the strongest or been able to defeat the monsters hiding under the bed as well as the rest. But she was the one who would stay back with you while the others charged forward. She'd hold your hand and light up the room, sing you softly to sleep and guard you all night, her golden warmth like an angel of the stars.

There was once a little river running through,
A little town Magnolia which would look like new,
Every morning when the sun rose high,
And settled light upon the dew.

With a golden haired girl walking along its path,
And a smile to everyone she passed,
The pretty morning made prettier still,
Made everybody happy until,

One day, the light vanished...

Gone, disappeared,
Faraway, never neared,
A now lost treasure,
That brought all to tears.

Her guild left flowers everyday,
Along the drifting waterway,
It's tinkling waters now seemed sad,
Having lost what it once had.

The golden girl who gave a brighter day,
To everyone who passed her way,
Would never again hear the boaters say,
Be careful Miss Lucy.

Died using the magic she loved,
Fighting the way she knew,
Giving a fight, strong and fierce,
But the enemy only grew.

Struck down,
Her partners tears,
Now in a white gown,
Her body rests,
Beneath the ground.

And so now these mornings,
The sun will rise,
The river no longer,
Quite so bright,
Without that golden girl,
Who was so full of light.

~ fin

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