Chapter 5.

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*beep* *beep* My  alarm clock set off.I immeadiately opened my eyes and got up.I got to the bathroom and showered quickly.

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body.I got out and chose an outfit.I wore it and then dryed my hair.

I went downstairs and I saw that everyone had already left.My mom left my breakfast plate in the kitchen.I grabbed it and started eating.I got a text from Sam.

S:Goodmorning Lorn,do you want me to come and pick you up.

L:Goodmorning Sammy,I'll be waiting ;)

I grabbed my shoes and my coat.I placed my bag in a chair and waited for Sam to come.After 5 minutes I heard knocking on the door.

I went and opened it and got hugged by Sam."Ready?" he asked me smiling.'Yep"I said grabbed my bag.

We walked for 10 minutes and arrived to school."Fuck,I don't have first period with you"I whined.He laughed and looked at me."It's gonna be boring right?"he said.I playfully punched his arm."Ouch"he fake hurted.

"Shut up"I laughed.The school bell rang."Ugh...I'll see you later"he said.I got into my class and sat there thinking of how much I like Sam.I think I'm falling in love with him.


I couldn't help but think for the rest of the lesson of how perfect Lorna was and how lucky I was to have her in my life.I just wanted her to be mine.I'm falling in love with this girl and I'm falling really hard.

On our break Lorna and I went to the library to study.


I met Sam to my locker and together we went to the library."So what are you going to study?"I asked Sam."Nothing actually"he whispered as we opened the library door."Then why are you here?"I asked laughing.

"Because..."he paused to think.I rolled my eyes playfully."I wanted to hang out with my bestie"he said and he placed his hand on my shoulder."Ok bestie sit down"I said smiling.

As I opened my book,I saw in front of me a very familiar face,Cameron."Oh my god kill me"I said."What's wrong?"Sam asked me."Look in front of you"I said pointing to Cameron.

"What is your brother doing here?"he asked me slightly laughing."I'm going to find out"I told him and got up from my seat.He followed me and we went towards Cam.

"Yo Cameron what are you doing here?"I asked and he looked up at us."I am waiting for someone"he told us."In our school library?"I asked confused."Yeah...It's a girl.."he said nervously.

"Cameron I decid--"a beautiful girl came looking at us weirdly.She was short and she looked so sweet with those big glasses.She had her dirty blonde,staight hair in a ponytail leaving some hair fall on her face.She was wearing a pink sweater that looked big on her but still it was so cute on her.

"Who are they?"she asked Cameron weirdly."This is my sister,Lorna and her boyfriend Sam"Cameron said."Nice to meet you Lorna,Sam"she waved at us."This is Melody"Cameron introduced her to us.

"Nice to meet you too Melody"Sam and me said.She smiled"So Melody is coming to dinner tonight,bring your boyfriend too"Cameron told me.

"Cameron I don't have time"I said."Whatever we're leaving now"Cameron informed us."Bye"Melody waved at us."Bye"we waved back.

I turned around and left but Sam grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall."You never corrected your brother when he said I was your boyfriend"he said smirking holding my hands on the wall.

He was taller than me and he was looking down our lips only inches away."I didn't hear him saying it"I lied.He smiled and let me go."So I'll come to dinner tonight"he told me."Ok"I said smiling.

We left from the library and as I was getting to my class,Sam grabbed me again and whispered to my ear."I'm not done with you"he said and I looked at him and saw him smirking.Fuck,he's so damn hot.

I couldn't get him out of my mind for the rest of the lessons.

We were finally done and I went to my locker and met him there.'Hello beauty"he said as I came closer to him."Hey"I smiled and he flashed this gorgeous smile of his.Damnit I want him so much.

"What time should I come?"he asked me."Um..I'll ask my mom and then I'll text you"I told him."Okay"he said and came closer to me and kissed my cheek.I blushed so hard and I knew he noticed."You look so cute when you blush"he told me smiling.

"Thank you"I said covering my cheeks.He took off my hands from my cheeks.He holded my hands which gave me butterflies in my stomach.I just can't believe what this boy can do to me."I'll see you later"he gave me a smile and walked away.

I got into my house,runned upstairs and fell on my bed."Fuck,I'm so in love"I whispered to myself.I went downstairs again and asked my mom what time will everyone come.

I texted Sammy

L:Sammy,my mom told me at 8

S:Ok I'll be there beauty 

And once again I got butterflies at the way he called me.I spent the rest of the day looking for a pretty dress.It was so hard,but then I found the perfect dress.

It was a black dress with shoulder laces.It was vintage and it was kind of short.

I showered and then got out and wore it.I put on some light make up and wear my black matching shoes.

I decided to let my wavy hair down.As I was getting ready I heard the door knock.I heard my mom greeting them.My room door was open and my mom had a pretty loud voice.

"Wow You look gorgeous"I heard someone say and I turned around to see who it was.It was Sam,smiling at me and looking me up and down."You like it?"I asked him."I love it"he smiled.

"I see you chose black"he told me.He had seen all the other colorful dresses laying on my bed."Yeah,you know I like black"I said laughing.He laughed "Dinner's ready"my mom yelled from downstairs.

"Let's go eat"he smiled.I opened the door and we both went downstairs."Hey Melody"I said."Hey Lorna"she said waving her hand."Hey Sam"she added."Hey"he replied.

My mom came bringing a plate and sat down.She huffed and we all looked at her."Isn't it nice how we all are sitting down?"she said."Mhm"I said nodding.She started asking random questions at both Sam and Melody like she was a cop or something.

After 20 minutes she had already been girl talking with Melody and Cameron was talking with Sam.Yep,so that leaves me looking at everybody and not bothering in joining any convo.

My mom got up and brought us our dessert."This is really good Ms.Dallas"Sam told my mom."Thank you Sam"she smiled.

He then looked at me and smiled.I smiled back.I heard him mumble something "What?"I asked him."Nothing"he answered me.


I couldn't stop looking at Lorna.She looked so beautiful in this dress and I couldn't help it but whisper "You're gorgeous"she must have heard me saying something but fortunately she didn't hear clearly.

I just wanted to be her boyfriend for real.I loved it when she didn't correct her brother when he said that I was her boyfriend.

I want her so bad.I want to kiss those lips everytime and I want to have her near me always.I can't live without her.

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