Chapter 11.

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I woke up,laying on the floor.I opened my eyes clearly and saw thousands of tissues crappled around me.Was I crying last night?

I got up and saw Mahogany sleeping on the bed.Why did I sleep on the floor?Why am I in Mahoganys' room?

Then it hit me.After I left my room yesterday,annoyed by Sam and his girlfriend Jen,I went to Mahoganys' room to watch Netflix to cool me off.

She fell asleep in the middle of the movie and I decided to sleep on the floor.Thinking about what I thought Sam and I had but then Jen came and made me cry all night long.That explains the tissues all around me.

I looked at the clock.It was still 8 a.m.Too early....However,I got up and used Mahoganys' bathroom to wash my face.Great,I want to brush my teeth and shower but I have to go back to my room,where Sam and Jen probably are fucking.

I decided to go to my room,brush my teeth and grab some clothes to shower at Mahoganys' bathroom.

I took a deep breath and entered the room.Honestly,I was relieved when I saw Sam sleeping on my bed and Jen on his.Atleast they did not sleep together.Lorna shut the fuck up! Sam is not yours and will never be.

Yeah I guess my consciousness is trying to break my heart more.


"Lorna?"I heard a raspy voice say.Sam.My heart started beating faster as I turned around to lock eyes with him.

"Um..goodmorning"I said.It sounded more like a question."Goodmorning"he smiled and came towards me.

"What are you doing?"he asked me."I'll..uhm...g-go brush my t-teeth and shower at Mahoganys' room"I stuttered.Great job Lorna.You couldn't embarass yourself more.

He chuckled and looked at me licking his bottom lip."Why don't you shower here?"he questioned me."I don't want to bother you and Jen.I might also change rooms so you can stay with your girlfriend"I tried to sound as polite as I could but it came out hateful.

His expression fell and I could tell he was sad for some reason.I had no idea what to say,so I turned around towards the bathroom and closed the door.

I felt tears coming please don't cry again..please.'Man up' I whispered.I should be strong.Evem if I can't,I have to act like it.That's not the Lorna I used to be.I never cried for boys who didn't want me back.I was stronger but something in Sam makes me so weak.

I finished up and got out.I grabbed my suitcase and took out some clothes.I could feel Sam staring at me.

I heard a groan coming from Jen as she opened her eyes.She looked at Sam and smiled at him,then she realised I was also in the room and looked at me with her smile turning into a smirk.

"Goodmorning Lorna"she said."Goodmorning"I faked her a smile.I grabbed my clothes and stormed off.


After showering and getting dressed,Mahogany and I went to get some breakfast.Only Carter,Matt and Taylor were in the hotels' restaurant."Goodmorning girls"Carter said as I grabbed a seat and Mahogany next to me.

"Goodmorning boys"I smiled at all three of them.

I was quiet the whole time,I couldn't get Sam off my mind.

Maybe it's true that he is a fuckboy.He just played with my emotions and now he's probably playing with Jen's too.

I won't admit it was a mistake I fell for him.It was a mistake I thought he had feelings for me.

This is stupid.I can't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry"I said and got up from my chair and left the restaurant."Lorna!"Mahogany yelled.I just kept on walking until I found myself heading towards a dark alley.Well it wasn't that dark because it was still morning.

"Hey hun"a man in a hoodie said as he walked next to me.

"Slow down babe"he said as I walked faster.He grabbed my hand and I tried to shook him off but his grip was so strong.

"What do you want? I've no damn time for your bullshit,now leave me alone"I yelled furiously.

"Oh no I won't"he smirked.He tightened his grip around my arm.One thing I learned.Never show fear at assholes like them.That's what they want.

"Leave me alone or I'll beat your ass"I warned.He chuckled."You?"he pointed at me and laughed."Don't underestimate me"I said.

"Hey leave her alone"a guy yelled as he came towards us."Get out off here Jake"the man who held me yelled at him.

"Nick leave her alone,I swear this time I'll kill you"Jake clenched his jaw as his eyes were getting dark.Nick,or whatever his name is,reliesed his grip around my arm.

I rubbed my arm cause it hurted so bad."Whatever"Nick said but I could sense his fear.I noticed how they both actually looked young.

"Are you ok?"Jake asked me."Yea thanks"I replied."No problem.I'm Jake"he offered his hand and I took it."Lorna."I introduced myself.

"I'm sorry about Nick"he apologised."It's cool"I replied.Jake had a very bright smile and perfect teeth.His eyes were green.He was actually very handsome.

As he smiled,he had a dimple on his right cheek.

"How old are you?"I found the courage to ask."I am 19"he replied."You?"he asked."18"I smiled."You wanna go grab something to eat?"he asked me.

I just nodded.I was speechless to find a,probably,criminal handsome."I'm not a criminal nor anyone you should be scared of."he said as if he read my mind." I'm not scared of you"I replied after we entered Wendy's.

We ordered our food and took a seat.It's actually weird how he just saved me from his dumbass friend or however he is related to him and I'm having breakfast with him now.

We spent there 2 hours,talking and getting to know each other.

"I should get going"I said and got up."Oh,give me your number and we can go out some other day"he smiled.I gave him my number and then he walked me to the hotel.

"Well thanks for today"I said."It's really nothing.I should beat my brother's ass now"he laughed making me do the same.So Nick is his brother.

"Bye"he smiled and I waved at him.I entered the hotel and Sam came running to me and hugging me."Where were you?"he asked me and was checking if I was okay.

"At Wendy's with a friend."I replied."Anyway,why do you care?"I asked."I tried calling you hundreds of times and you weren't picking up.I got scared."he answered.

"Yeah whatever"I rolled my eyes."Lorna what's going on with you?"he held my arm in the same place Nick held me."Ouch."I whined."I'm sorry...What's wrong?"he asked me looking at my arm."Nothing.Leave me alone."I snapped.

"Lorna it's bruised"he widened his eyes.Yeah,I bruse easily.I'm not proud.

"Sam don't act concerned now"I replied and went to my room.Technically it's Mahogany's room but whatever.

"Why did you leave previously?We were looking for you"Mahogany said as I closed the bedroom door."Where is Cameron?"I asked ignoring her question."He went to the airport to pick up a girl...I don't know Melody or something."she replied.

"Yeah,Melody.His girlfriend"I sighed and put my hair up.

"What's going on Lorna?"Mahogany asked me.

"I am tired"I replied.

I am tired of all this shit.Sam's games.Everything.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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