Chapter 3~ A Strange New World

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Kim's POV
I went for a walk you the cliffs when I heard someone calling for me and I head back towards the lighthouse. When I get there everyone is sitting around a pitiful meal of steak and fried potatoes but they look like they are having a banquet.
"Hi mum, where were you?"
"I went for a walk just to let everything sink in. I dreamt of this for so long, every parent did, I don't want this to be a dream."
"Well it definitely is real or we just spend most of a year being chased down in our search for seven sensitives for nothing, tuck in Mrs Green."
"Thank you, it's Sadiq isn't it and I don't seem to be rude but what is a sensitive."
"Me and Aris are sensitives. We have special powers that allow us to do things with our mind and we can communicate with others like us even if we are miles apart. Also a mineral called luminate boats our powers." This blonde girl says who everyone seems to respect or a least tolerate going by Holly's face
"Oh I see and how did you all run the world."
"We live in tribes with a tribe leader and most of the time people trade in swap shops or trading posts but most of the time we just have fun. Expect we have been on a quest to bring the adults back every since they disappeared so we are always moving." A girl with frizzy black hair says who's name I can't place.
"I see, and who is your tribe leader?"
"I am and have been since you all disappeared."
"Don't you seem a bit young."
"Most tribe leaders are my age and are respected most of the time."
"How do you get around. When I left you Holly we were in Bristol how did you get here?"
"Sadiq drives the sparty van, the van outside. It's had a bit of work done."
This kid drives, how could they be so careless, what if something goes wrong a someone dies. There wasn't any doctors here until around two or three hours ago.
"We go slow plus Sadiq is getting quite good after driving for three years."
"Aw, thanks Frankie."
"Frankie, You weren't there in the Sparta van on the first quest, it felt like being put in a blender every five minutes." Holly says this and it gets me wondering what have the kids been doing all this time.
Next Morning
Frankie's POV
I wake up next to Kim. I quietly creep out and go for a walk along the beach. I think about how I could finally meet mum again, after all these years. I wonder how much she missed and how things were in the adult dimension. Reece and Aris told us some stuff but they only were inside one building.

I wander back to the house thinking of mum and memories we had together. I get excited over the thought that I might see her again. I always knew we had the chance of bringing the adults back, but when we did, I didn't know I would be so relieved to know that she was out there. Somewhere. And all I had to do was find her.
My stomach had started rumbling at this point because I can smell bacon cooking in the kitchen. The boys must be cooking as Holly would still be in bed so I'm hardly expecting a proper fry up more along the lines of a proper burn up.
I walk though the door and the smell of burning bacon hits me.
"Frankie where were you? I was getting worried." Says Sadiq always the over protective brother.
"I went for a walk on the beach. Plus, your not the boss of me anymore now that mums back."
"Technically, I'm still the leader of your tribe."
"Technically, this bacon is burning, guys." Says Aris who was leaning on the door post.
"Oh. Right. Yes, sorry." Sadiq says getting back to his so called cooking.
I run upstairs to see if the keeper has any running so that I can take a shower. I open the bathroom door, step inside the bath slash shower, turn the dial and hot water starts falling on to my hand. I get undressed and had the first warm shower in a long time.
Holly's POV
I wake up as a shaft of light from the window hits my eyes. I realise that for once I'm truly happy. I have my mum in the next room, my boyfriend and my darling baby girl in bed with me. Life couldn't get any better.
"Hello Holly, how's Kimmy?"
"She's fine, slept soundly all night."
I turn round to see Ernesto in combat trousers and a grey T-shirtwith his red hair all ruffled.
"Do you know what I have been thinking."
"I think we were always mention to find this place, it's like a heaven. It has food, fuel and it's off the beaten track so no one will come to bother us."
"Your right Holly, after all the hardships we've been through I think that the universe has finally said alright you deserve a break."
We both sit up and I take Kimmy into my arms. She is so beautiful so fragile and I'm so happy that she can grow with not only a mother and a farther but also grandparents. I slide my head on to Ernesto's shoulder and he rests his head on mine.
"Our little family."
Nothing needs to be said for we both know that other is fine. The smell of burning food quickly circles round the the room and I can tell that Sadiq's cooking skills are being put to the test.
"Do you want to help this time?"
Ern told me of how he learned to cook for the resistance.
"Sure, do you want me to get Kim."
"No, I'll go for walk with Kimmy around the gardens, I never got to the chance to look around yesterday."
Ern leaves and I start getting dressed when a new odour presents itself and I change the first nappy of many
Recce's POV
I wake up to find Sadiq already gone and someone's calling me on the senseanet.
"Recce, Recce are you there."
It's Lucy, she must have found her parents. I'm happy for her, I wish we k here."
"Recce we did, we sent the teen parents home and Mum and Dad are back, thank you so much."
I realise that something is burning and I decide to investigate.
"Lucy, I have to go. Thanks for helping."
I walk out of the room, as I slept in my clothes, and meet Holly on the landing holding Kimmy
"Hi Holly how's Kimmy?"
"She's fine, no thanks to you."
I down at the ground trying to avoid her gaze
"Where are you going with Kimmy?"
"I don't need to explain myself to you."
"No but someone should."
"Someone does."
She walks down the stairs and I think if  she remembers pulling me from live electricity or if that was just me and my powers before I got them in control.
I walk into the kitchen to see Sadiq and Ernesto having an argument over who is better at cooking bacon while the bacon is question is burning more now that no one is looking at it.
"I'm tribe leader so I should cook breakfast."
"Just because you're 'in charge' doesn't mean you know how to cook."
"I'm sure I know more than you, mister lived in the woods to start a revolution."
"I learned to cook in the woods, so there."
I can clearly see that this is going nowhere and that in the meantime everywhere is starting to smell and everyone is still hungry, from past experience neither of these two will end well. I take command of of the frying pan while the boys are still back and forth as to is better until I can't take it anymore and scream at the top of my lungs.
Both boys look round to me with blank faces and I can see that I've gone to far, I've let myself get into their minds and are controlling them. They'll have my guts for garters if they find out.
"Stop shouting at each other, go outside and look for fruit or veg or anything to trade. Forget I told you this."
And just like that I let go of their minds, their faces become animated again and they start to head out the door. I turn back to the now burnt to across food.
Arid pokes his head round the door, honestly you never know where he will turn up next.
"I heard all that you know Recce."
"Can I ask you to keep it to yourself?"
"For the right price, of course."
" I'll help you find your real parents and I will make sure they never find out about Kylie or betraying us."
Blackmail is the oldest trick in the oldest book and it always works, especially with Aris poor kid.
"Fine, I won't tell if you don't."
"Great, now I'll get rid of this,"I say gesturing to the bacon,"and you go find something else for breakfast.".
A/N: so sorry it took so long for another update. I've been away a lot but fear not for I've been writing in the hard copy.

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