One Hundred Truths

443 36 252

So...I was tagged by Jajjada And a bunch of other people, too...#guilty

Real name: Something I'm not going to say.

Nicknames: Um. Yes. My father has quite a few nicknames for me. And my mother. And one of my aunts. Huh. They're all embarrassing ones, though, and I am not telling.

Male/female: Female.

Favorite color: Soft blue, sea green, purple, gold and black. I like most colors, in fact.

Elementary school: Check.

Middle school: Going into eighth grade. So, a year left.

High school: In a year.

College: In a few years.

Hair: Dark brown.

Tall/short: Tall.

Jeans/sweatpants: Jeans.

Phone/camer: Phone.

Health freak: No, but I try to make sure I eat enough healthy food.

Oranges/apples: Oranges!

Any crushes: No.

Guy friends/girl friends: Definitely girl.

Piercings: My ears are pierced. Where I live, girls get their ears pierced as babies, because there isn't much muscle there at that age, and it doesn't hurt as much as it would if you were older.

Pepsi/Coke: Any one.

Ever been on an airplane: Yes, lots of times, but only one trip that I can remember clearly.

Ever been in a relationship: No.

Ever been in a car accident: No.

Ever been in a fist fight: Do all those times with my brothers count?

Best friends: Real life ones aren't on Wattpad, so...on Wattpad, thebookgirl624 , although we haven't talked properly in a while, and the others aren't really best friends but still amazing friends. Like Halo3411 linn_n Peril_SkyWing Fantasy510 fangirldistrict1 and there are also JAX_26 Hails_8 and ArtemisFowl31199 , although all three have been MIA for some time.

First award: Probably the Best in English certificate I got in first grade.

First crush: Not counting fictional people and celebrities, I've never had a crush...that I'm aware of, anyway.

First word: I don't know. Probably what I call my mom or dad.

Any talents: Writing. Other than that, none that are really worth mentioning.

Last person I talked to: One of my brothers/my cousin.

Last person I texted: My mom. I don't text a lot, though, so...the last person I PM-ed was linn_n

Last person I watched a movie with: My brothers and cousin.

Last thing I ate: An amazing chocolate cupcake with out-of-this-world frosting.

Last movie/TV show I watched: I watched Annie guessed it, my brothers and cousin.

Last song I listened to: I can't remember.

The Life of a Fangirl, Basically: The Third BookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum