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Guys. Emergency! I'm going to the bookstore in about an hour (eastern time: 7:28 am, 11th August, 2015) and I really need suggestions! I have such a long to-read list and now I'm going, after a pretty long time, for me, at least, and with a lot of cash saved up, I need suggestions, and fast! But not just books you think I'll like. Books you think I'll love. Must-reads. You know. Don't suggest:
~The Ascendane Trilogy
~The Wings of Fire books
~The Ruby Red trilogy
~The Sisters Grimm books
~The Giver
~The Lunar Chronicles
~The Artemis Fowl books
~The Uglies books
~The Land of Stories books
~The Modern Faerie Tale books
~John Green books

And, also, obviously, not books I've read.

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