Chapter 3

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Hey guys I'm back!! Sorry I couldn't find my notebook with the story in it!! But I have it now so here we go.😜
"You thought I was going to hit you? He asked. I just shook my head yes afraid to speak.  "I'm never going to hurt you again Spencer. I don't know why I hurt someone so beautiful like you."

I just stood there to shocked to move, did he really just call me beautiful like it was nothing? Like hell to the no! I know his game and I don't want to play it. He's just gonna try to get me in his good side so he could build me up and then break me down again. Well I'll tell you one thing that's never going to happen! After all of this thinking I just ran away from him even though I know I'll probably get beaten up for it tomorrow. Honestly I don't even give two shits, right now I just want to go home, take a bath and go to bed. So that's exactly what I did.

Shawn's P.O.V
I can't believe she thought I was going to hit her. Why did I even bully her I'm such a fuck up sometimes. I like her so much, but my friends don't and think she's cool enough to hangout with us that's why I bully her because of my fucking friends! Why am I doing this to stay in this stupid group of friends? Is it all worth it in the end? I don't think so I mean bullying a girl you actually like a lot just to hangout with some douche bags. Count me out starting tomorrow I'm going to stand up for her that's the right thing to do if I want her to like me and trust me again. That was the last thought I had before I went to bed. No matter I'm going to help this girl! Even if she doesn't want my help!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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