car ride thoughts

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when you see " -*-*- " that means it's a different poem that I wrote while in the car on 8/3/15.

I forgot the feeling of excitement and happiness
until you came along and managed to
turn my whole entire world
upside down.


With starry eyes and
crystal hearts, we
maneuvered our way around
each other. And while
it was easy at first,
things got complicated and
we crashed into one another
like a goddamn tidal wave
and fuck I'm drowning.


I remember wishing and
dreaming that maybe one day
I would be yours and that
you'd fall hopelessly in love with me like I had
to you. But little did I know that this was
nothing more than an infatuation
with a boy who meant absolutely nothing.


But while I lie awake at night,
tossing and turning because I've become
so accustomed to you next to me,
you're out in some other
girl's bed, moaning her name
instead of mine.

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