One Year

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Warning, this is really, really, really long 

An entire year.

Well actually a year and a half.

That's how long the two rival nations, France and England had been apart. The latest world meeting had been cancelled, and the nations of the world usually held one every six months. But since they never bothered to reschedule it, it would be another six months before they had to go. And England would be dammed before admitting that the time apart was starting to drive him slightly mad. It's not that he missed spending time with the bloody frog. Well, kind of. Okay fine, he missed him. A lot. And it wasn't because he was lonely or anything either. He had seen America a thousand times over the course of the year, the annoying git hadn't given him much of a choice. He just missed France. Most other nations would just call each other and schedule something if they wanted to see one another, but England lacked the ability to swallow his pride and call the frog. Even if he could though, it wouldn't really matter. France probably didn't even notice the fact that they had been apart longer than usual.

If only he knew France was going through the same thing.

The only reason the Brit was putting so much thought into this was because the next world meeting was in two days and the pair would be forced to see each other. He would never admit that he was excited to see his rival, but he was. Of course he couldn't tell anyone that, he'd never hear the end of it. He was already packed and ready, since he normally liked getting there a day before the meeting started. Come to think of it, France was the same way.

-Time Skip-

England pulled up into the parking lot of the hotel after a long and tiring plane ride. Italy was the host country this time, and had decided to book an extremely nice 5 star hotel, much to England's pleasure. He got his suitcase out of the backseat and went to check in at the front desk, which was extremely over-decorated, and got the key to his room. He turned and bent down to get his luggage when he saw a pair of black boots and bright red pants. He didn't need to look up any further to know who it was.


England glanced up and made brief eye contact with the other blonde and rolled his eyes, considering making a dash for the elevator. He decided against it with a sigh and dragged his suitcase over to the wall next the elevators, leaning against it with his arms crossed and his signature scowl on his face to wait. He waited (not so) patiently for the Frenchman to check in, running through every possible insult he had ever used so he wouldn't be a stuttering mess.

"Long time no see, Angleterre~" Sang a French accent.

"Not long enough." England huffed, turning to look at France. He gasped quietly to himself when he locked eyes with the Frenchman's sparkling royal blue eyes. He didn't forget what France looked like of course, he just hadn't seen anything nearly as beautiful in quite some time.

"Don't be like zhat mon cher!" France whined and pouted like a little kid, making the Englishman turn away. If there was one thing that could get to him it was France's pouty face. He'd gotten used to America's, but something about France made it a bit too adorable for him to handle.

"Fine. I missed you so very much, my heart hurt without you." He batted his eyelashes at France sarcastically.

"So mean." The blonde sighed dramatically. He looked down at the Brit's key and caught glimpse of the room number. "524 hm?" He laughed. "Looks like we're on the same floor."

"Fantastic." England groaned. "Do you think they offer chains for doors here?"

"You 'ave no faith in me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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