Chapter 1

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"Dear Diary,

Last night, I've just made my biggest decision ever... choosing between the vampire Salvatore brothers, Stefan and Damon. It's the hardest thing for me to decide! Stefan was the kind of guy who's really caring and serious, he's the boyfriend type of guy. And for Damon, he's good but never serious, he always pretended not to care about others but actually he cares alot. They were both great guys and I didn't want to hurt their feelings by choosing between them but I had to... I had to let go of one of them, I couldn't let them both love me forever and knowing that we couldn't have a happy ending love relationship with three people in it. I had to let go one of them so that he could forget about me and to have a chance of getting a better life than stucking in the love triangle and suffer forever.

God, I hate to say that but I feel like I'm Katherine Pierce, my great great great great grandmother who's a vampire. She used to love them both too and she never chose between them so that's why it led to a fight between them. I didn't want them to do this again. They were both the most important people in my life but I've made my decision although I didn't want to...

I chose... Damon Salvatore.

I had no idea why I would chose him, me and Stefan went dating first and after all that we've been through, I thought I would choose Stefen but instead it was Damon. I couldn't ignore my love for Damon, every time I was with him, I felt happy and... special. And there would always be a voice telling me not to leave him in my head. I'm so sorry Stefan, I didn't mean to hurt you, just know that I still love you..."

I closed my diary and put it back to its orginal place. It's 6:00am and so I get off my bed and be ready for school. After I brushed my teeth and cleaned my face, I started changing. I looked at the mirror, I brushed my hair and I stop. How was I going to them that I've made my decision? In what way could I tell them without hurting them? I kept on thinking and thinking and suddendly the doorbell rang...

Ring, ring, ring... I grabbed my schoolbag and went downstairs and was about to open the door then I saw Jenna. "Morning Elena? So you'll get the door? Then let me pack a lunch box for you then." Jenna said. "Thanks Jenna but you don't have to pack me lunch, I'll probably go grab lunch with Bonnie. You may go back to sleep now." I replied. Jenna walked upstairs and I heard the closing sound of the door. I walked towards the door and opened it. It was Stefan.

"Hey Elena, what took you so long?" Stefan smiled. "Don't pretend like you can't hear the conversation between me and Jenna, you've got those vampire ears right?" I said while slapping his shoulder. "Wow, I'm just kidding! Don't have to be serious. Well, are you ready to go by the way? Let's go to school together." He said. "Okay..." I replied. OMG, what was I supposed to do? Should I tell him now? But if I told him now it would be so mean. He came here to walk me to school but I then said that I didn't choose him? That's horrible, I didn't want to upset him at the start of the day! Maybe I should tell him some time later. We arrived school.

"Hey Elena!" yelled Bonnie and Caroline from a distance away. Most of you may know, Bonnie was one of the most powerful witches in the whole world because she was a Bennett witch. And Caroline was a vampire, well, Katherine turned her... "Hey! I miss you two so much!" I said gracefully because I saw my best friends. "What? It's only been a day and you've already missed us? That's so weird..haha.. Well, let's hit class, first period is Alaric's class." Bonnie smirked.

Finally lesson's over, me, Bonnie and Caroline went to the 'gathering place' at school while Stefan said he wants to go out for a bunny bite. And I thought it's the best time to tell my best friends what situation I was in and let them gave me advices on how to tell Stefan about my decision.

"What? You chose Damon over Stefan? Are you insane? Damon's a jerk, he doesn't deserve you!!!" shouted Bonnie and Caroline. "I know he's a jerk sometimes but he's really good to me and this is not the problem I'm facing now! Please tell me how to tell Stefan!" I said. "Well, if you care about him and want him to let go so that he can have a better life then you shouldn't hold for so long, go tell him now... uh... Elena? I think he already knew..." Bonnie said and did a sign to me so that I could turn my head to the back. Stefan's here! He heard the whole conversation just like this morning. I ran to him...

"Stefan, I can explain. Please let me explain.." Stefan didn't let me finish the whole sentense. "It's okay Elena, you don't have to explain. If it's what you've decided, I respect your choice and will not bother you two anymore. I'm just shocked that after what we've been through, you... You know what, forget it, have a nice day..." He then left, walking further and further away from me. I thought I've just heard a cracking sound...

It's from his heart...

And mine...  

Love Never Dies (The Vampire Diaries)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora