Chapter 3

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We are all currently sitting in the principal's office.  Everyone is screaming their lungs out, trying to tell their side of the story- except for me, of course. I don't say anything; I just watch.

"He tried to rape me!" Lexi shouts .

"She's hot! I couldn't help it!" Jeremy says defensively.  Well, then, farthole, start "helping it".  You could use a little self control.

"Hot? That's my girlfriend you're talking about!" Lexi's "boyfriend" yells at Jeremy.  I still don't know his name.  I suppose "Flavor of the Week" will do.

He's gripping the armrest of his chair so hard that his knuckles turn white under the drying blood that covers them. It looks like he'll attack Jeremy any second now, even though both of their faces are already bruised and battered. Ugh, I can hardly breathe with all this testosterone polluting the air.

They scream obscenities at each other, completely ignoring Principle Henry. I stare at them in amusement and Principal Henry covers his ears. His eyebrows knit together in frustration.

"ENOUGH!" he roars, slamming his fist against the desk with a loud bang. All of our heads snap up to look at him.  The silence is deafening. His face is bright red and he grips a bunch of pens, his knuckles white.

Those poor pens.

"You!" he says, pointing a Lexi.  I would say that the blood drains from her face, but I can't be sure.  I'm pretty sure no one has seen her face for years; all that's visible is makeup and fake tan.  Her eyes are filled with fear, though.

"Explain," he demands. She opens her mouth, but closes it again, lost for words.

Finally, she says in her high pitched voice, "Okay, I was coming to school early to help set up the cheerleading meeting.  This fellow over here," she points at Jeremy, "sedu-," she looks at the principal and her boyfriend nervously, "Stopped me from going and... and he just started kissing me! I told him to stop, but he wouldn't listen.  I tried to make him stop, but he's so much stronger than me.  I tried, Principal Henry, with all that I had."  Jeremy snorts and she sends him a glare. "I'm innocent, okay?" she says, slamming the palm of her hands against the desk, making us jump. She gives Principal Henry a pleading look.

He scans her for a full minute, trying to figure out if she's telling the truth.  Unlikely. During that minute, she shows no sign of any emotion whatsoever.  Oh she's good.

Principle Henry sighs in defeat and slouches back in his chair.

"Alright, fine." He sighs. "You can go," he says resignedly, shooing her away with a flick of the wrist.

She sighs in relief and stands up from her seat. She turns around and gives us a smile that says, "Have fun, suckers". She walks away, and from the corner of my eye, I see her turn around to blow a kiss to Jeremy. He catches it and puts his hand against the right side of his chest. He winks at her. I facepalm.

Flavor of the Week sees this exchange and sticks his hands in his pockets angrily. What kind of girlfriend is she? Principle Henry notices and gives her a frustrated look.

"GO!" he shouts, jabbing his finger towards the door. She jumps in surprise and shrieks as she runs out. He looks back towards us three and drags a hand down his wrinkled, leathery face, sighing.

"You kids will be the death of me," he says, shaking his head. He looks up at Jeremy who now has his earbuds in and is playing Candy Crush on his phone.

"Jeremy," he says, trying to keep his cool. Jeremy remains oblivious, continuing to play on his phone.

"Jeremy," he says, louder this time. Jeremy doesn't look up.

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