Here Kitty!!

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"FELINECIO!!" Dipper finished chanting the spell as an explosion resounded throughout the forest, blowing the mystery twins backwards and into a nearby tree. The smoke from the explosion shrouded the monster they were battling but, slowly but surely, the smoke died down and revealed an unamused-looking, yellow kitten.

The kitten had a black bow tie around his neck, an eyepatch, and a brick-like pattern adorning his large, fluffy tail, ear tips, and torso. His tiny paws were black with a stripe of yellow near the leg and he had a tiny, black top hat floating above his head.

The feline seemed to sigh as he sat there. Then, he started grooming himself, as if saying, "So what if I'm a cat? What do I care?"

Mabel gasped then ran towards the small figure, her arms out and ready to catch her prey. She swiftly picked up the kitten and hugged it tightly, startling the small thing and making it's fur stand on end for a few seconds.

"MABEL! STOP THAT, WE HAVE NO IDEA WHETHER HE'S STILL A THREAT LIKE THAT OR NOT!" Dipper screamed, fearful for his sister's life. "But Dipper, he's just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!" Mabel squealed, childishly, "How could he be a threat like this? He's no harm, isn't that right, Billy?"

At the mention of being called, Billy, the cat hissed, annoyed, and revealed his tiny, black claws. He batted his paw at the girl, threateningly, or, what he thought was threateningly.

"Awww!!! Is wittle Billy angwy?" Mabel teased, holding the kitten out further from her, and making him hiss at her more. "Mabel, do you wanna be cat food?!" The male twin asked. "If it means being able to see him longer, yes!" "Mabel!" Dipper sighed, "Put him down, we have no idea what he's planning." "Aww" The female twin obliged, putting the former demon down mournfully.

"Thank you, Mabel. Now let's go-" Dipper stopped, looking at his twin who, instead of walking away with him, was caressing and scratching the kitten's belly.

Bill lay on his back, purring and not squirming. This caught him off guard. Bill wasn't fighting, but was giving in.

Dipper rolled his eyes and sighed, "Mabel, come on. Now's not the time for kittens. We'll get you one at the pet shop, okay?" "No! Dipper, he's no threat, see? Can't we stay here a little longer?" Dipper thought for a second then, he decided.

"Mabel, pick him up, we're bringing him back to the shack." "YAY!" "Hey, calm down, I'm only doing this for research purposes, okay?" "Pfft, alright Dip-Dot."

That night, as Mabel Pines crawled into bed, a new companion hopped up and curled up next to her, both of them sleeping soundly and quietly through the night.

(A/N: This is probably really bad! I'm sorry if it was but I just wanted to put a quick little idea down on paper....or computer...Anyways, I hope you guys liked it!)

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