Victory is Not Always Sweet (Semi-Sequel to:Fear)

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(A/N: This oneshot is dark. It does contain a bit of violence. You also may cry. Have tissues at hand READER'S DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED.)

(A/N: This oneshot does talk about my OC but does not exactly revolve around her. It is Bill x OC-ish though so, if you do not like that stuff, either read it with your OC in place of mine, your name, or not at all. Thank you.)

(The song is called "Fade Away" by MandoPony. This will be explained and played later in the story. However, feel free to listen while you read.)

Weirdmageddon was over. The Pines and their friends had won! Well, most of them anyways. Molly, fighting against her animalistic urges and remembering who and what she was, decided to fight back against the demon tyrant. He was just using her and she had no more remorse for him.

As her wolf-like properties began to revert back to their nonexistent state, she used her claws and teeth to attack Bill. In turn, the demon turned his hand into a claw and swiped at Molly, sending her flying backwards with three deep, bleeding gashes in her stomach. However, this was not going to be how it ended. The slowly reverting human stood up shakily on all fours and charged at the sentient pyramid when his back was turned, climbing up him and leaning over to blind the terrifying monster. He grabbed at the open air, furiously trying desperately to grasp the other in a death hold. Eventually, after a bit of wall and ceiling climbing, she fell right into his hand, the transformation being completed.

"Any last words?"

Molly looked back and smirked. "Yeah. Bubye."

Bill's eye widened as a pink light shone apon him, his form shrinking and dropping into an empty, magic-proof jar, courtesy of Stanford Pines. Dipper shut the lid proudly and the pines agreed that Bill had a bit more to learn about humans before she blacked out later to wake up in a hospital, out of town.

Bill's jar was next to her. He was unsurprisingly unamused, his stick-like, black arms crossed. He told her that he hoped she'd die before the nurse calmed her down and let her sleep.

The demon looked at her and thought about what she had done to him. Blinding him and attacking him with his own powers? What was this girl thinking? Then, his mind wandered back to when she was quote-on-quote "reforming" him. She seemed so happy and, somehow, seeing her smile kind-of made him want to join her, the opposite reaction of what he would usually want to do. He would talk to her in the morning and see if he could make amends.

She wouldn't be breathing come morning.

When dawn approached, he awoke in Dipper's hands (still in the jar, of course). The thirteen-year-old had his arm around his weeping sister and seemed to be holding back tears.

"What happened?" The demon thought. "Why is Shooting Star-"

"She died in her sleep," the nurse interrupted his train of thought. "Internal bleeding was the cause. I am terribly sorry, Mister Pines."

She looked as though she actually meant the apology. Usually nurses just said it with little to no emotion but this one seemed to mean it.

His single eye widened as he trained it on the nurse.

"She actually-? I didn't mean-! I just thought-!" He couldn't think straight.

Ford placed the contained demon in his study on his desk. He said that even though he had already studied him enough, it might be worthwhile to do it all again.

He would be staying there for a while. In this time, he thought.

Pondering. Wondering. Thinking. Reminiscing. Realizing. Slumping. Crying. Breathing.

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