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Katy are you okay what happened I could hear her crying .

JORDAN I GOT ADOPTEDD!! . She said extremely excited
God Katy you creeped me out I thought something bad happened
. I said
Haha sorry . She said giggling
We both laughed together and talked for about 30 minutes then we said our goodbyes.
Ok text me in the morning.. Byee babe . I said
Ok byyeez . She said
The next morning I woke up to the smell of Choclate chip pancakes .
I rushed out of bed and headed down stairs , "good mornin" . I said , heyy good mornin . Ashley said , good morning
we made pancakes , Tyler said excitedly
"Yaaaz thanx tyty " I said while laughing , we all laughed and sat down at the table to start eating .
"So how are things going " Ashley asked .
"Well everything's amazing I srsly love it here thank you "
Ohh honey you don't have to thank me its your house and we're happy that your enjoying it . She said
I smiled and we continued eating
*peep* *peep* my phone vibrated

Katy: hey jordz , you busy today
Jordan: nop totally free , u
Katy:well you wanna hang out or something .
Jordan : yeah , meet me at the ranjil park in 20
Katy: k

After finishing breakfast I went running upstairs to get ready

I headed out of the door and to the park it takes like 2 minutes if you walk there.
I came close to the park Katy texted me and said that she's be there in 10 minutes , so I decided to chill at the swings , there was a girl she looked like she was in her early 20's , she was drinking coffee . She began Swinging and swinging so high then she stopped and to stood up and began walking toward me . When she came really close to and threw her coffee all over
Omg omg haha I'm so sorry gurl , she said in a sassy way .
Ughhh hey what the hell watch where your going .
Ok what ever loser bye .
Katy came running to me .
What the hell was that . She said .
I don't freaking know . I said
Well just ignore her , let's go . She said .
We began walking to my house , When we arrived I opened the door and got in .
Hey katy . Ashley said
Hey . She answered
Omg what happened she looked at me . There's a creepy girl at the park who spilled her coffee at me and she was so rude .
Ok just ignore her and go clean up in your room .
We went up to my room and shut the door .
Wow your room is huge . Katy said
Thanx . I said
I went to the bathroom to clean up and change .
"Hey can u put music on "I yelled
Yeah sure . She said
After cleaning up and everything I went back to the room.
Hey I like that song . I said
Yeah me to . She said
Well can you sleep over tonight we can watch Netflix . Yeah sure . She said .
We kept talking and talking for about 2 hours .
Yeah I never asked you this . I said
Who adopted you ? . I asked

ADOPTED BY TYSHLEYWhere stories live. Discover now