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Umm Ashley what's going on . I asked
Ohh I'm kinda famous . She said
Are you serious !!! . I asked amazed
Yeah . She said smiling
Well do you sing or act or ...? I asked
I act on a show called pretty little liars with Tyler to . Ashley answered . OMG I have to watch that show how many seasons ? I asked excited . 6 seasons but your actually pretty late cause we're gonna find out who -A is in a week .
It's fine I'll catch up with people
After getting our swimsuits and talking pictures with fans . We got in the car .
Wow Ashely you have a lot of fans . I said .
I know and I'm so thankful for them . She said

All the to the beach me and Katy were sleeping cause we were so tired .
We're heeereee I heard Ashley say .
Me and Katy woke up at the same time . Ok let's goo I yelled . While all of us laughed. Then we headed to the beAch chairs .
I put my towel down and laid on the beach chair .
You wanna go in the water Katy asked yeah sure
After staying at the beach for almost 4 hours we headed home .
So did you answer jake yet . Katy asked .
No not yet I said
Well answer him tell him yeahs you'll hang out with him . She sAid smiling .

Jordan : hey, yeah sure where do you wanna hang out
I put my phone down . 10 seconds later I her my phone vibrate
It was jake : um park ?
Jordan ; yeah that's great
Jake : so meet you at 3 tomorrow ?
Jordan : ok see you then
Jake : bye
Jordan : bye
I set my phone down and went to take a shower , Katy already took a shower before me .the next day i woke up feeling katys foot on my face , it really didn't smell that bad , katy was still sleeping ,so i removed her foot from my face slowly and stood up and off of the bed , it was 1pm so i went to take a shower and change and get ready , i went downstairs to see tyler and ashley in there office ,

hey tyty hey ash . i said

hey jordz , they both said

so what are you up to today , ash asked me

well im going to hangout with my friend and can katy stay for a couple of days cause she has a family problem at her house . i said

yeah sure she can stay as long as she wants . ashley and tyler said

ok well im going now bye .i said

byyyye . they said

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