Chapter 23 : Babygirl

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Couple months Later.
Arianna POV
" Can you just rub some on my stomach please ain't like I'm asking you to rub my feet." I said to keenon as I got the stretch mark oil . I am now in my final trimester which means my due date is getting closer .

Sometimes I wish I can go back a couple of months back to my old body . Now I look like a fat whale and on top of that my feet be swelling up a lot and my nose is spreading like crazy . Since I can't reach my feet or get the sides of my stomach good I have to beg keenon to rub my feet and put oil on my stomach.

He acts like it's going to kill him . But if he's tired of hearing me beg he will do it . " man give me the shit aggravating ass." He mumbled laying down on the bed next to me.

He poured some in his hand and then began to rub it all on my stomach. The way he was rubbing it felt good. As he was rubbing it around my belly I felt the baby kick. " wtf." Keenon said leaning up starring at my stomach.

I laughed cause the look on his face was so funny . I remember my first time feeling the baby kick I freak out . I done got use to it now . " the baby moved dummy ." I said laughing . " That shit dont feel funny to you ?" I shook my head no.

" he know his daddy already must be ." " don't you mean she?" I said correcting him. " mann I already told you it's a boy blood." He said laying his head on my chest." Tomorrow we are finally finding out what I'm having. The last appointments didn't go well as I plan cause the baby wouldn't act right.

So the doctor told us this is our last chance to find out and if the baby still won't cooperate will have to wait until I go into labor. So all day I have been moving around just so that the baby can get into the right position . Keenon thinks it's a boy because of my nose but I know for a fact it's a girl.

" you wanna bet?" I said rubbing his ear. " yea if it's a boy you gotta wash my all 3 of my cars and if it's a girl I'll rub your feet every time you ask me and I'll take you to T.G.I Friday's so you can eat all the hot wings you want ." I laughed and nodded my head .

" that's a deal sir ." I smiled and kissed his cheek. " I can see you now outside washing all 3 of my babies ." I gave him a straight face. He's sadly mistaken if he thinks he's going to win this bet. I got my high hopes up that I'm having a girl.

" yea whatever's 2 in the morning and you know we gotta get up at 9." I said turning over . " it don't take me long to get ready that be you blood." " I'm not your blood ." I mumbled . " shut up and go to sleep." He said wrapping his hands around me.  After a few minutes of going back and forth we finally fell asleep.



" hair bows, cute little custom made converses, tutus omg I can see it now ." I said clapping my hands together . Me and keenon just left the doctor office and we found out that we are having a babygirl . I'm beyond excited cause I can't wait to meet her .

Keenon on the other hand is upset because he lost the bet.  I can see hot wings and foot rubs in my future . " Yea yea whatever ." He mumbled while focusing on the road. " it's okay baby ..look ill get you a boy dog?" I smiled.

I really knew Keenon wanted me to have a boy so bad but dealing with him and a baby? I wouldn't be able to deal that's 2 keenons I'll have to check after of. " get 2 then ." I gave him a mug ." you can get 1 don't over do it." After I said that the car ride back to my house was silent.

Keenon POV

After I dropped Ari off I went to my mama house to tell her the news. I knew she was anxious to find out cause she was blowing up my phone asking me . " so what we having ?." My mama said smiling .  The fact that I'm having a daughter is     an eye opener for me. The way I used to treat these females I wouldn't want nobody doing that to her. But in the back of my mind I'm still thinking about lamyia .

Yeah I know she wasn't mines but the little time I spent around her I got attach and that shit still fucking with me. I ain't heard from cate ever since then but I hope she doing alright . " A girl." I mumbled looking at the ultrasound .

" Another Londyn on the way awww ...Ima have to go get them some matching outfits ." " I know it's right up your alley ." I laugh . Londyn already spoil enough and now since my mama about to have another granddaughter on the way she gone be spending money like krazy.

" yess but yall haven't figure out no names yet?... Baby shower theme or nothing ?" I shook my head . "Mama chill we just find out ..don't worry we gone get that situated ." I said laughing . I ain't knew having a baby you gotta do all this extra shit .

I thought you only had to pick out a name and go to the store and buy stuff . " alright I'm just sooo excited ..I gotta tell everybody ."  " where you going though?." I said looking at her outfit as she stepped in the room. " Out with a friend. " I looking at her outfit again.

My moms was the type of women that like to dress like she still young or some shit . " boy I'm grown ain't nothing wrong with what I got on." She said sitting on the couch. " who the guy is?" " This man that works at the office name Darrel ." She said licking her lips.

I laughed and shook my head . " alright don't get homebody fucked up ..I'm tell pops too." I said laughing . " Boy please your daddy couldn't handle all this... Mama gotta have some fun too I'm going to be back around 11:30 at the most Londyn and ke supposed to come by ." She said grabbing her coat and stuff . I shook my head as she walked out the door . If my pops knew she was going on with another man that nigga will loose his mind.

Arianna POV

" I'm having a goddaughter yayy!" Asia said rubbing my belly. Ever since the appointment the other day and I broke the news to everyone everybody couldn't stop talking about it. My mom , dad, reem, and asia are super excited .

" yea but I need to come up with a name ." I said pulling out a notebook and a pen . Lately I've been thinking and looking up baby names. I wanted to give her a name that's unique and also a name that Keenon might like.

" what about Eva Emoni ?" Asia said. I wrote that down in the book as a suggestion . " I want a name that fits in .. You know like something Keenon would like." Asia nodded her head . " Compton ?." I gave her a straight face.

What the hell I look like calling my child that. " No ." " California ?" I shook my head no laughing. Come to think about it instead of California what about Cali with a K. " I got one .. What about Kali ?" I said smiling . " With A C or K?" Asia said .

" A K ." I said writing the name down in the book. " that's cute though .. I like it plus Keenon is from here so it's perfect ." I gave Asia a high five. Before I was all nervous and scared now I'm curious and excited to meet my babygirl . I hope Keenon agrees to this name cause I like it .

A quick lil chapter😁❤️ What yall think though ?👀

The size of ari belly in MM 😍💕

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