Chapter 28: Time Off

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Arianna POV
"I will be free to babysit since you know I only have two classes." Asia said stuffing fries in her mouth. Me and Keenon decided to take a week off from working to have us some time together . Lately we've both just been working, and taking care of Kali.

But as soon as we get back Keenon leaves to go on tour for a month . I'm going to miss him so much especially when I need him around when Kali gets cranky.  But I'll have plenty of help when he's away.

" thanks Asia." I said talking a sip of my tea. It's been awhile since me and Asia went out to catch up . So she decided to take me and Kali out to eat . " and to the most beautiful goddaughter drive your mama crazy while your daddy is away ." She said taking Kali out her car seat.  " and if she do I'll bring her over right to your house I'm pretty sure you and ms.  Carolyn won't mind." I said laughing. "you know my mama won't she said Kali can stay over anytime." She said smiling.


After spending the day with Asia me and Kali went back home. It was rainy and cold and I didn't want to keep her out in the night air and I also had some work to do.  "come on Kali mommy has work to do." I said picking her up out her crib.  I had an online test to complete . 40 questions and I already completed half and it's due by 10:00 and it was already 8:50 . But Kali didn't seem to care cause every two seconds she would scream to the top of her lungs .

" here you hungry?"  I said giving her the bottle.  She push it back out her mouth hollering again . " Kali I don't know what you want ." I whined getting irritated . I got up from the bed with her in my arms . I lifted her up laying her head on my shoulder and began to rock her and pat her back .  After I few minutes she slowly went back to sleep.

I laid her down I her crib tucking her in . ' Now let me knock out the rest of the- ." I was cut off by my phone ringing . It was a FaceTime message from Kee. Rolling my eyes I answer the call. " yes sir?" I said looking into the camera . " why you looking mad fo?" He said scrunching up his face.

" I have and online test to complete in the next hour." I sigh. " damn ..where Kali ?" I looked over at her making sure she was still sleep. " in her crib sleep ..she's been fussy today ." " cause she misses her daddy that's why." Keenon said laughing . I shook my head sitting my phone on my laptop keyboard so I can finish taking my test.

" what you doing ?" I said while putting my focus on the laptop screen. " in the studio talk to your mama yet ?" He said twirling around in the chair . " her and my daddy comes back tomorrow morning ." I said. Me and Kee plan on going to Atlanta . Just to get away and maybe do a little bit of radio interviews since we going to another city .

" we leave tomorrow night blood should've been let em know ." He said shaking his head . " shut up I got this ." I said laughing .
After face timing Kee and finishing up my test I went straight to bed. Tomorrow night will be fast than I know it.

Kevin POV
"Say da da." I said watching lamyia clap her hands. Past couple of months my life has been straight . Me and cate co-parenting getting along well but me and Sabrina relationship has been a roller coaster . Last month Sabrina found out she was pregnant . For nine months she carried our son with no pregnancy problems.

During labor something went wrong and the baby stopped breathing. Doctors told us it was nothing they could do . So until this day I don't know what the cause of my son death was.  Sabrina took it harder than me so that's the reason why we going through it .

I try not to worry about it as much but it still gets to me . Thinking about the fact I could've had a son and a daughter was the best feeling ever . "Ma ma ." Lamyia said smiling. Being a father to lamyia is the best thing ever . Seeing her smile and laugh makes me forget about all the other shit I got going on. " that's my girl."
Cate said sitting down on the floor.

"so what's been up with y'all two while I was gone ?" I said looking at lamyia crawling over to cate. " nothing really...I see your girl had a baby." I shrugged my shoulders. Yea I knew Ari had a baby . I was surprised but I kinda expected it. I texted her but she ain't respond I guess she recognized the number . " what you think about it?" I said looking over at cate. She humped her shoulders and began to play with her finger nails.

I know cate misses Keenon and i can't blame her I miss Ari like hell. Me and Ari relationship started out when we was youngins. But I just fucked things up when I got caught up Sabrina . I ain't really care after I tried and tried to talk things out with her I took things farther with Sabrina.

Now look the girl I was inlove with got sign with the hottest producer and then had a baby by a rapper . I'm over her struggling busting my ass trying to fix things right with a girl I don't really love . I just wish I can go back and fix every mistake.

Short Chapter 👌🏾
I'm a little under the weather 😩 and all this rain ain't making it no better SC is flooded🙏🏾 praying for those that's stuck in this type of weather but school for me got cancelled until Wednesday 😎 so I'm going to probably update tomorrow and maybe started on my other book.

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