Dare 2

278 18 4

Dare: I dare you and Rei to hold hands for a whole day ~-Lizzy_Phantomhive-

Nagisa: *giggles* REI-CHAN!!!!!~

Rei: *runs into the room* What's wrong!?

Nagisa: Nothin'~ But you have to be part of my dare. We have to hold hands for a whole day!

Rei: *blushes slightly and frowns* Why am I part of this..?

-later in the day-

Nagisa: *holding hands with Rei, looking at pool longingly* We're not able to swim... *;-;*

Rei: *has been blushing the whole time* Maybe we could try?

Nagisa: *looks at Rei and frowns* I can't change into my swimsuit like this.

Rei:*blush worsens* T-True... *sighs*

Nagisa: *giggles* Aww~ You're bluuuushing~

Rei: *covers face* N-No I'm not!

Nagisa: *puts cheek next to Rei's rubbing it agains't it* Your face is warm!~

Rei: *O/////////O* NAGISA-KUN!!!

-day ends-

Nagisa: *lets go of his hand and runs around* I'm freeeeeee!!!~

Rei: *still blushing* I'm going home... *walks off*

Nagisa:*pouts* Rei-chan!~ *shrugs* Well thanks for the dare! It was fun!*giggles*

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