Question 4

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Question: How many people do you think are attracted to you? -Crona_Alice

Nagisa: *thinks* I don't know... Actually! There are way too many! So many fangirls!-.- But other than that~ It think Rei-chan likes what he sees~ *giggles* Umm maybe... Gou-chan possibly... Umm... I know Kilaco-chan does~(thephoenixsisters 's oc) *shrugs* There are so many ships in the world that you don't even know what's true..

Admin: I ship Gougisa, Nagitori, and Reigisa. Those were in order. I also kinda ship Makoto and Nagisa but its not a really strong ship. But my otp is probably Gougisa. Thought I'm starting to /reaaaally/ like Nagitori!!!~

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