Say What?

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A/N:~ This is the first time I am writing a completely romantic fanfiction and seeing as I have not done anything like this before it might suck. Oh well! Let's get to the story!!! ^_^

Lucy POV

It started out as any other day in the guild. Levy and I were discussing a new book series we had read, Erza was eating a piece of strawberry cake, Natsu was fighting with a nearly-naked Gray, Juvia was doing her stalker thing, and Elfman was yelling "BE A MAN" at the fighting pair every ten seconds.

"-and then she broke into the castle with only a shovel and a potato in her hands! I mean, I can understand the shovel, but a POTATO???? Why would she storm a castle looking for her brother without carrying any actual weapons- and when did the author even HINT to the fact that she was even carrying one in the first place until he had her throw it as hard as she could at one of the palace guard's face? Granted she knocked him out and was able to take his sword and-" Levy ranted about the pure stupidity of the middle of the second book while I nodded my head trying to show my sympathies towards her apparent predicament.

"I'm so sorry you had to endure that torture of reading that part, Levy," I cut in, beginning to get annoyed at her constant talking," but let's talk about something else.

I quickly try to think of a topic when the perfect question pops into my head. I smirk.

"So Levy," I say in a sing-song voice. "How is it going with a certain black-haired, iron-dragonslay-"

She slaps her hand over my mouth before I can finish what I was going to say. A fierce blush covering her face in red. Then she pulls her hand away suddenly as a smug smile appears on her face.

"I don't know Lucy, but how is it going with you and Natsu-," now it's my turn to cover her mouth while I blush in embarrassment.

I can hear the fighting still going on so I know Natsu didn't hear us, but I still have the feeling someone is looking at us. I glance around trying to figure out if anyone DID hear us before Mirajane pops up right next to Levy's shoulder scaring the crap out of both of us.

"What the-?? Mirajane???!!!" we chorus, confused as hell.

"Did I hear something about my favorite ships?" she asks as little hearts decorate the air around her head.

"Uh...ships?" Levy asks warily.

"Why Nalu and Gale of course!" she answers happily.

"Say what?" I ask even more confused than I was a few seconds ago.

She sighs exasperatedly," Couple names for you and Natsu and Levy and Gajeel. Nalu is for Natsu x Lucy and Gale stands for Gajeel x Levy!"

Gajeel and Natsu pop out of nowhere, scaring Levy and me half to death FOR THE SECOND TIME.

"Didja say my name or somethin'?" Gajeel asks, looking bored.

"Why did you call me Mirajane? I was just about to beat Gray!" Natsu whines loudly.

"NO YOU WEREN'T FLAMEBRAIN! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO KICK YOUR ASS!!" Gray yells from across the guildhall.

"OH YEAH STRIPPER? BRING IT ON!!" Natsu yells back.

He leaves and the fighting continues as the four of us stand there, wondering what the hell is going on. We snap out of it as a chair comes flying in our direction.

"DUCK!" I yell as I dive under the table.

Mira does the same as Gajeel runs to Levy who can do no more that stand where she is and brace for impact. A sickening Crunch! is heard as the chair breaks into pieces.

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