Chapter - 6 -

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I had curled into myself for the entire night, the hollowness in my body not escaping me, the pounding on my temple never resting.

The hours flew by, the light of sunrise fitting across my finger tips through the boarded up windows, notifying me of dawn.

I sat up in my mushy sleeping bag, my head throbbing with a headache. Wiggling my toes, I stretch, a soft yawn escaping my gooey morning mouth before I get up and head over to my bag. I grab a water bottle, take a swig, and let the water swish through my teeth and across my tongue before heading to the washroom.

I pour some water in my hands from my water bottle, splashing my face and rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes. I yawn once more, before returning back to the living room, seeing that everyone's starting to wake up.

As the others start their morning, I grab a bar from my dads bag and eat what little protein it provides to start this hectic day.

I watch as my dad sits across from me, his long legs criss-crossing before he takes the folded up map from under his arm and spreads it between us.

"We're here." His tanned finger extends as he points a few centimeters from a thicker line, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. I feel Violets body slightly brush against mine as she sits on the floor beside me.

My dad takes a red marker from his pocket and draws a dot where he pointed.

"We're going here." The large map crinkles under my dads movements as he leans over it, and on the other side of the map, he draws a large star.

"Why there?" I fit some of my curly hair behind my ear, my bottom lip between my teeth.

"I've been radioing friends for the past month or so. They've been keeping me updated. The night you told me about.. all that," His eyes wavered over Violets ashen face.

"I had radio'd them in a panic, telling them this state is going down and I planned to take you all and leave. They said if we could make it up there, we'd be welcomed." Violet had gotten up and walked off, the mention of what happened to her mother, even underlining, must have struck a cord.

"How do you know it's safe?" I pause, collecting my thoughts that are jumbled up in my emotions.

"How do you know if they're safe?"

My dad ignores me, rolling his map back up and standing, turning his back to me.

"Dad." My voice is pleading, but again, he ignores me as he walks to wake up Max.

"Get your things and go to the car." He mutters over his shoulder, shaking Max's arm before walking to the hall. My heart swells with anger, but I push it down. I get up and start to roll up my sleeping bag, listening to his orders.


I hated the car, I realized. It was a depressing atmosphere, the deranged view, the static of the radio, the whimpers from Max.

It made the "secure" town, seem more like home, safer, civilized.

We had stopped just outside the next state, our legs stiff and backs achingly sore. The paved cement and old gas fuel tanks were old, rusted and cracked.

Max has sat himself on a curb, his feet stretched in front of him, Violet too sat on the curb, but cross legged.

My dad was again, looking at his stupid map, a compass extended in his hand.

"I'm going to check out the gas station." I wanted something sugary, something sweet, something to smile about. My dad let out a small noise of agreement and waved his hand in my direction.

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