Best Birthday Ever.

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RT_Ninja: Hey guys, so I posted a sad birthday story earlier, so now I wanna do a happy one! So here's a happy little birthday idea for you and our darling Ace. If it's not your birthday, pretend the story is happening on it. Alright guys, enjoy!

Modern AU


Ace stared at the party invitation on his table.

You're invited to celebrate the birthday of (Y/N)!

Will be held at (address)

On (birthday)

Also, shhhhhhh! It's s surprise!

Ace sighed. Luffy was the one to plan the party, so naturally, Ace was last to know.

The party was today and he didn't have a gift.

Ace didn't know why, but every time it came to you and gifts, he always wanted his to be the best. Sabo said that it was because Ace had a crush on you. And maybe it was.

The secret of Ace's crush was apparent to everyone but you. Even Luffy could see it.

And the feeling was mutual, of course. And naturally. Ace was the only one blind to your burning obvious crush on him.

But, Ace didn't know. And even though he'd never admit it, it was his crush on you that made him want to be first in your books with everything.

The first person you call when you want to hang out.

The first person you come to when you're feeling down.

The first person that gives you the best gift on your birthday.

But he was drawing a blank.

"Think, Ace! What do you know about (Y/N)? Let's see, she likes art. Maybe I could make a sculpture for her? But I'm no good with clay. I can't carve ice. A wood carving! Perfect! But what of? Well, she loves (favorite animal). I could try to make one of those." He thought.

He walked out in to his shed and selected a nice big log he hadn't yet cut in to firewood. He thought for a moment and decided he should get a smaller piece of wood, considering he would only hurt himself if he tried a chainsaw carving. He was no Griffon Ramsey*.

With a sigh, he grabbed another, smaller log and began to carve it in to a (favorite animal) for you.

He successfully carved it after a few hours and went to get his blow torch to add shading to it.

That did not go well.

In only moments, the entire sculpture was up in flames. In a panic, Ace dumped a bucket of water on it. When all the flames were out, it didn't look much like a (favorite animal), but more like a pile of coal.

With a sigh, Ace tried again. The second attempt was worse than the first. As was the third. And fourth. And fifth.

Before Ace knew it, it was dark out and he couldn't even attend the party because it was almost over. He imagined your look of disappointment and felt his heart break.

He looked at the carving. He had finished the carving part, but he was afraid to try the torching part again. He didn't want to ruin your birthday.

With a steadying breath, he slowly tried to follow the pattern of the animal. His hand slipped as he started on the head, burning it in a way he didn't want. He was able to put out the flames before the whole thing caught. He turned off the torch and looked at the carving and wanted to cry.

Best Birthday Ever. Ace X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now