Part 1

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I got the idea for this from reading Wolves of the beyond by Kathryn Lasky. They are good books for anyone wanting to read about a fantasy world full of wolves, owls and bear's. There is a picture of the cover of the first book up top. Anyway to the story


Edma walked into the main den, limping really because of the gash in her right thy. That's going to be a pain in my ass until I see a healer. She thought to herself as she dodged a flying bone. But right now she had bigger problems to deal with. She weaved her way through the multiple wolves and around the fire pit in the middle of the room to the alphas bench.

"Well, well, well look who finally surfaced after days of no contact. Care to explain Edma?" The old black and grey alpha snarled. The scar on the left side of his face, even more defined in the fire light, made the whole situation just that much creepier.

"I'm sorry alpha" I said as I looked down at the ground in front of me. I twisted so the front-left side of my body was lying flat in the ground in a bow like way. "I was dealing with a few southern pack wolves who crossed onto our territory. They outnumbered me so it took a little longer than expected."

" Still that's no excuse for being 3 days late." The alpha said in a low voice.

"Punish her father. She has run out of warnings and is always meddling with things that shouldn't be meddled with." The alphas daughter said. She never really had much patients with Edma and was always looking for a flaw in her work to report on. Her coat was similar to her fathers. Grey on the stomach with a few streaks of black but were as her father's back, tail and muzzle were black she had her mother's dark brown.

"Don't you think that's a little on the drastic side of things?" asked a male wolf who had just come up next to the alphas. He was there adopted son. Not related by blood and available to any girl. Including the alphas daughter, Emile, and the reason she hated me. He was white, black, muscular and smart. The sad thing was he would be a perfect alpha but he wasn't to inherit the title. That honor would go to Emile. She was fussy, vain, always hating on other 'lesser wolves' and making her life goal to humiliate everyone she disliked. She also had a massive crush on her adoptive brother, Duncan. Who had a massive crush on Edma and helped her get off easy on occasions like this. Glad he's here to see me be banished Edma thought sourly. The truth was she liked him back. A lot. And didn't want to leave him.

"Of cause it's not. She didn't do her duty and failed her responsibility to protect our land at all costs. She let two southerners through and didn't stop them. She should be banished." Emile said before her father could say anything.

"I do believe that it shouldn't be that drastic but some punishment is needed. What do you think we should do with her, Alana?" the alpha asked his mate.

"I think we should hear her side of the events." Alana said. She was a smart leader and stopped her mate from killing a lot of the un-mated males in the pack. They tended to get a little out of control when females were in heat.

"Good idea. Well then let's have it." The alpha said excitedly.

"Well then I should start from the beginning." Edma started. Duncan was watching her adoringly, waiting for the story. "I was on a patrol around in the south rock fall valley when I heard a noise. It was faint. Like the sound of a rabbits paw hitting the ground on the grass plain after the rain season had made the grass long, soft and green. I stopped and listened. There were about 5 stealers and 2 fighters from what I could tell from that distance. I quietly walked to the edge of the valley and got up onto one of the lookout mounds. When I found the southerners I saw that there were about 10 of them in total."

The hunter EdmaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang