Part 6

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its been awhile since I've updated so ill make this longer.


There was a rumble outside. Edma heard it first. Instinct opened her eyes and froze her body before her mind was able to proses anything. Duke was beside her. He opened his eyes and looked towards her. He kept still when he saw the look in her eye. She nudged Duncan with her shoulder and wrapped her tail around his. he woke up and looked at her. She met his eyes and shock her head once then went back to listening. Duncan moved closer to her so he was pressed up against her and tilted his head to one side in a question. Then Duke and the others herd something. Everyone who was awake looked up and raised their heads. They looked out the opening. Duke and Duncan looked at Edma with a questioning look. She was the first of her siblings to wake because she was the strongest. Next Carter would wake up. Then Carla. Then Nigel and the Kathy. It was in order of the strongest to weakest. The stronger you were you were just that much better at everything else. Technically Kathy is the second weakest because the weakest dies at birth and that is how hunters know when there all there litter out. If the weakest survives that normally means that there is still a pup in the mother. The strength goes in age. Edma stood and moved towards the entrance of the den. She didn't make a single noise and when she got to the entrance, she gave the signal for danger. Ears twitch repeatedly, lowered head, tail twitching and straight out and back right leg slightly pushing into the ground then easing the pressure off. all done slowly so no noise came the slower the moves the closer the danger was. The wolves started to go out the danger shoot. That came out onto a path that lead to the northern pack. Along the way there were enchanted dens. an enchanted den is like Edma's but the healers one has 2 exits. There is a tunnel that goes right through the hill with little enchanted dens on one side that all meet up behind a 10 meter wall of rock, dirt and stone all around in every direction. Only 2 ways in with some of the most powerful enchantments known to wolf kind cast on the entrances. The all went into those as Edma's signals got slower and slower. Duke went into a E.den ( an enchanted den) and was followed by Duncan. Once they were in there they couldn't be seen. Even by Edma who knew they were there. Everyone could see what was happening is the healer den. They could see out but no one could see in. Edma slowed to almost a stop and every one moved back a bit. Her movements stopped she went into an alert position and went very still suddenly, with her coat a golden- brown she blended into the background. It was at the moment the intruders walked past that Carter woke up.

"what the hell." He said as he stood up. Everyone in the area moved away from him a bit. "what are we all doing?"

"there are intruders outside." The healer said.

"well Edma isn't doing a good job at staying out of sight. Look I can see she's right there in the middle of the wall." Carter said. Everyone looked but couldn't see her.

"where?" someone asked.

"right there. Standing in a stalking position." Carter said. It was at that moment an unknown wolf walked into the den. He walked right past the spot that Edma was hidden. He didn't see her. He stopped.

"clear." He said in a deep voice. Then he did the stupidest thing possible. He stretched, let his guard down and curled up on the floor where he closed his eyes for a rest. The other wolves were outside but couldn't see into the den. That was when Edma struck. She exploded out of the wall and snapped the guys neck all in one move. He didn't see it coming and didn't make a sound. Edma dragged the body over the E.den and dropped him right next to Carter.

"this will be you someday." Was all she said before she turned and went back to the entrance. Then Carla woke up. She moved to stand next to Carter.

"what do we do now?" she asked

"well I'm ready to fight something. Wait until Nigel wakes up then join us out there." Carter said to her as he quickly trotted over to the wall near Edma.

"I'm not going to fight you at this present time Edma. I just want to kill whoever is in our land." He said quietly so only she could hear.

"I'm not going to fight you either." She said. Then they went quiet. Another wolf walked in and stopped closer to Carter. He looked around, then when he had his back to the hidden danger Carter pushed off the wall. He was a little slower than Edma and the wolf had time to see Carter but not do anything. Carter snapped his neck. Then dragged the body next to the one Edma had killed.

"I'm awake." Nigel stated as he got to his feet.

"yes Nigel we can see that." Carla said then she repeated what Carter had said to her changing Nigel's name with Kathy and joined Carter and Edma on the wall. Just as she stopped walking 5 more intruders walked in. They were taken out almost immediately by the siblings. Kathy woke up and moved to stand next to Nigel.

"are we going to fight?" she asked.

"not yet." He replied. A big group walked in and was taken out again. A little slower because there was more but still efficiently. There were only a couple of intruders on their side of camp and they were taken out.

"you lot can come out now." Edma said and everyone walked out.

"what now?" asked Duke. Duncan nodded his agreement.

"we get to the alphas." Edma said deadpan. Then her and Carter walked out the den followed by everyone else. When they got outside they found another 2 dead bodies. They looked like southerners.

"well that's ironic isn't it." Edma said happily and trotted past them. When they arrived a pack centre they saw a blood bath. Lots of dead southern wolves who had underestimated these wolves. Afew from this pack were dead but thankfully the alphas weren't.

"Duncan!" the alpha said. Duncan quickly went to them. Edma and Duke went the same way and the others stayed and helped the injured.

"Duncan." Emilee said as she ran up to him and tackled him in a more than sister hug. He quickly got out and glared at her.

"Emilee." He said. "what is it you want alpha?" Duncan said in a very odd manner.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. Are you?" the alpha said puzzled.

"yes. I am quite alright. Now if that would be all I'm going to see my mate." He said and turned around and walked away. Then he walked up to Edma and hugged her. "come on Edma. Let's leave." He said.

"okay Duncan. Come on Duke." She said as she followed him away.


And that is the end. Hope you enjoyed it.

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