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Bryan pressed his lips to David's, pulling him close to him. "I love you." He mumbled softly. David smiled against his husband's lips, holding him tightly. "I love you more."

Bryan pulled back to look at David, smiling softly. "Tonight is gonna be our Night." He pecked David's lips. "We're gonna go to dinner and we're gonna watch cheesy movies and eat popcorn with way to much salt and no where near enough butter... And then..." He smirked playfully as entangled His fingers I'm David's hair.

"Oooh, Someone's feeling a little playful, Huh?" David smirked, yanking Bryan closer to him.

Bryan sorta stopped and just looked at David. "What?" David asked, his smirk falling.

"You were so close to getting some." Bryan said, smiling before kissing him again.

Their cute little... Whatever is was they were doing was cut short by the simultaneous sound of a Phone ring and a cute little voice saying, "Daddy..." Both of these we're for Bryan.

Bryan sighed and pecked David's lips again before getting up, grabbing and answering his phone and Walking to Sawyer.

Daddy was Bryan. Papa was David. Sawyer was two years old. And he was incredibly smart.

"Rocky, I can't come in today... David's off and So am I and I'm staying home." Bryan said, even though he knew he'd have to go in. He held his phone to his ear with his shoulder and picked Sawyer up. "What's wrong, sweetie he asked, wondering why his two year old was up at six thirty in the morning.

David sighed and climbed out of bed, following Bryan as he walked to the kitchen, Holding their little boy close.

"Bad dream..." Sawyer softly said, burrying his face in Bryan's neck.

"Rocky, I'm not coming in and that's it."

"Bry, Let me take Sawyer."

"I hungry."

"Tell the actors to suck it up!"

"What do you want to eat, Slugger?"

"Rocky, No!"

"I want Pancakes!"

"Bry, can you grab the milk?"

"I don't care what wheels wants!"

"Papa, juice!"

"Hold On, Sawyer."

"Oh, Clea? Okay I'll come in."

The chaos of the mornings in their house. Sawyer and his terrible twos additude... Bryan's arguing with Rocky or someone else from work... David's attempts to keep things flowing. Bryan hung up the phone and sighed, turning to David. "I'll be home in two.. Three hours tops." He said, shooting David an innocent and, might I say, Adorable look.

David couldn't help but smile. "Okay. I love you." He softly said as Bryan planted a quick kiss on his lips. "I love you too."

Bryan kissed Sawyer's forehead. "See ya later, Big guy. Love you."

"Love you, Daddy." Sawyer smiled.

"And what do we do?" Bryan asked, pointing at his son as he backed up toward the door. "Stay Fierce!" The two year old yelled, throwing his hands in his air and grinning happily. "That's my boy!" Bryan smile as he pulled the door open and left the house with "Goodbye!!"

David chuckled softly, giving Sawyer a sippy cup filled with his favorite juice. Hawaiian Punch. The blue kind. "How many pancakes do you want?" He asked, leaning against the bar type counter that Sawyer was sitting at.

"A hundred!!" The little boy cheered, smiling at David. "A hundred?! Whoa that's a lot of Pancakes! are you sure you can eat that many?" David chuckled softly, gently smoothing out his son's incredibly messy hair. "Yeah! And you gotta make some for you!" Sawyer said, putting his hands on his papa's cheeks. "And some for Daddy! And Goldie and Rocky and Jane and Shay!"

Sawyer couldn't prounonce Shania so he called her Shay. He loved all of them a lot and David was glad they were all still in their lives. Yes... Even Jane. Jane had... Slightly come to terms with the situation and even Babysat for them sometimes - with Goldie or Shania there with her, of course. And they had a nanny cam.

"Well Buddy, I think it's just me and you today. But, I will definitely make you a bunch of pancakes if that's what you want. And if anyone happens to come over, we'll have plenty of extra for them." David smiled at him, poking his nose, drawing giggles from the little boy.

"Can I help, Papa?" Sawyer asked, watching David pull stuff from the fridge. He hoped down of the stool and ran around the bar to David, reaching up to him. David sat the stuff he had in his hands down on the Counter and picked Sawyer up, setting him down on the Counter.

Together the two of them made breakfast. David taught Sawyer how to crack eggs without making a mess, had him stir the pancake batter, And grab things from the fridge and put them away as they were needed. They made a HUGE mess with the flower when Sawyer accidentally knocked it off the counter, sending flower everywhere like a huge puff of smoke all over the Kitchen.

"Daddy is gonna be pissed." Sawyer said, looking around the kitchen. "Sawyer! That is a bad word!" David said. Keep in mind... They were both covered in flower just the same as the rest of the kitchen. "But yes... Daddy is going to be pissed."

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