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After Giving Sawyer a Bath as well as getting himself cleaned up, David called Goldie to see if she could come help the clean up the kitchen and Promise the Pancakes afterwards.

Goldie, Shania, and Jane showed up and In under Two hours, the Five of them - Four if you Don't count Sawyer's playing in the flower and dirtying himself up again- got the kitchen back to it's spotless state that Bryan had always worked so hard to obtain. "We are good." Goldie grinned, Observing their work, before they all sat down to eat the pancakes.

Sawyer was very proud of his work both with the pancakes and the kitchen and they decided to let him bask in his glory. "Me and Papa Made these Pancakes together!" He said with a mouthful of food. Goldie smiled. "Well Sawyer, They are very good." She softly said, eating her second pancake. Shania nodded in agreement and Jane smiled a the little guy. "They sure are, little guy."

David was proud of Jane and her knew found sensor on the Homophobic comments... But he was worried.

"David, is everything Okay?" Goldie asked, noticing how David kept checking the time and had barely touched his food. "Bryan should've been home an hour ago." He softly said, biting his lip.

"I'm sure he's fine." Jane said, sipping her orange juice. "Yeah, He's just working, David. He'll be home soon." Goldie smiled.

But Shania shook her head. "Do you guys even know Bryan? He doesn't do late. He doesn't do late the same way he doesn't do flower all over his beautiful stainless steel kitchen and marker on his perfect brown leather couch in his office. David, Call him."

The reality of that statement hit them all like a semi truck. Bryan was a major perfectionist. When he said he'd be home at a certain time, He'd be home at that certain time. That was part of who Bryan was. And they all knew that. Especially David. He practically jumped out of that chair and went out of the room to try and call Bryan.

No answer.

Call two

No answer.

Call three.

No answer.

Eventually he had called him at least twenty times and there was no answer. Feeling sick, he Called the studio and Rocky answered. "Sing, How may we help you?"

"Rocky! It's David."

"Oh Hey David! What's up honey?"

"Look, uh... is Bry there?"

"Bryan? No. He left a while ago. Said he had to be home by exactly ten."

"Yeah well he never came home."


"It's almost noon and he's not home."

"Is there any chance that he's driving still... Maybe he stopped to get food or something?"


"Yeah. Yeah that was a stupid question, I know. Do you want me to try and call him or..?"

"I've called him thrity times at least. He 's not answering." David felt literally sick, biting his lip, he paced back and forth, running his fingers through hair. "Okay, David. Just deep breath, baby. Give it a little time. Maybe a few hours. If doesn't turn up call the police. But don't panick right now. He could be fine."

"And he could be Dead." David mumbled. He couldn't help it. His being a doctor had caused his brain to immediately expect the worst. "PH quit it, David! He's fine. Go sit with your kid and you're.. Weird little Family people and wait a little bit! Jeesh." And Rocky hung up. Though she was worried. She cared about her boss. Like a lot. Plus he signed her pay check and bought her things without knowing.

David sighed and trudged into the kitchen where Goldie was washing the dishes. "Did you get a hold of him?" She asked. He shook his head. "Rocky said to give it a little time..."

"That's a good idea." Goldie said, drying her hands on the dish towel that Bryan kept perfectly placed by the sink. "Sweetie, Take a deep breath. I'm sure he's okay." She place her hands on his arms, in attempt to comfort him. "Shania and Sawyer are putting a puzzle together in the living room, go help them. It'll calm you down."

David nodded reluctantly and gave Goldie a tight hug. And for a minute they just stood there. Goldie rubbed his back.

It was understandable that he'd be panicked. She would be too. In fact, She was. But for his and Sawyer's sake, she stayed calm.

As David went into the living room, she leaned back against the counter and bit her lip. Please let him be okay... She thought to herself. Please please please...

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