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Name: Hoshimi meaning 'starlight'

Alias: Ginryuu, Miyako, Mizuki meanings 'beautiful night child and beautiful moon.'

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5,10

Birthday: January 5

Occupation: Reincarnation of the first Ginryuu

Hair color: Shining Silvery blue

Eye color: dragon eyes violet-magent at top of iris and violet fades to blue to a white-blue

Appearance: About Shin-Ah's height her hair comes down slightly below her knees, grows out after journey begins. Normally wears a long dark blue kimono with a black binder and a silver sash around her waist. She is incredibly thin with long slim legs, arms and waist. Wears silver flats on her feet and has silvery bandages wrapped around her forearms. Before they fled the castle, she wore a silver braided band like Hak's old one, but with long falcon feathers dangling from the band and woven into her hair. When she wore the band, her side bangs fell slightly over her face, shielding her strange eyes. After, she wears a silver circlet around her forehead, which pulls back most of her hair, but some hair still flutters in front of her face. Some falcon feathers at left woven at the side of her hair. Her face is very beautiful and perfectly heart shaped.

Family: Biological parents (unknown or deceased) Mundeok (adopted father, or grandpa) Hak (adoptive younger brother) Tae-yon (younger brother)

Personality: Before she was adopted by Mundeok, she was very closed off. After, she was more happy and cheerful. She visited the castle whenever she could and formed a bond with Yona when the princess was very young. After the queen was killed by bandits, Hoshimi took up the role to be somewhat Yona's older sister, waiting for they day when Hak would become her protector. After they fled the castle, Hoshimi became quiet and guiding to the group. She still talks, but rarely and opens up mostly only to Hak, Yona , and Shin-ah. She is loyal to fault and would die for the others, completely disregarding her own safety.

Likes: Open spaces, animals, combat, peace, night sky, stars

Dislikes: harm to children, soldiers, nobility, arrogant people, death

Skills: As being a Ginryuu, or the Silver Dragon, every memory from the previous Ginryuus are passed down to her, so every fighting ability ever known or thought of, she is completely experienced in. Her favorite art of combat is the twin katanas, but is fully capable of fighting with any weapon imaginable. She is an expert horse rider and archer, and each and every skill she has was passed down by memory and things she has learned from her time on earth are fully mastered.

Weakness: Due to some unknown disease, which is incurable in their time, she is frequently held back in battles. The disease isn't known about in their time, but it causes lightheaded-ness, fainting, and most usually, coughing blood.  As well as frequently experiencing painful memories and visions, which can cause her to lose her will to live or move at times, which mostly happens during battles when she remembers the past.

Powers: Transferred memories from previous generations, dragons wings formed of starlight, slight healing factor, enhanced sight, night vision, unmatched grace and agility, future vision and present vision, able to guide lost spirits to heaven, and a few other unknown powers. (*wink*)

History: Hoshimi's young past, is mostly unknown, the only known fact is that her mother was a descendant from the first Ginryuu. She was adopted by Mundeok when she was three, and lived in the Wind Clan. It took a while for people to get used to her draconic eyes, even more so when she and Hak were taken to Hiryuu castle. There she met the queen and the newborn princess, and promised the queen to look after Yona. As soon as Hak began training, Hoshimi insisted training as well. Naturally having the memories of all the previous Ginryuu's, she ended up defeating all the warriors from the Wind clan, even Mundeok. She was sent to Hiryuu castle at age 5 to train, since she had surpassed the entire Wind Clan. And, ended up surpassing all five generals in every form of combat. They offered for her to become a general when she grew older, but she declined politely, stating it was Hak's destiny, not hers. Her statement befuddled the generals, and they spent about a week wondering about it. She spent much of her time training and playing with Hak, Princess Yona and Soo-won, Yona's cousin. She would sometimes pass out, due to having rushes of visions of terrible futures, but soon got them under control. And now, here she is.

                                                                                            * * * * *

The stars shone above, the tall tree peaking above the countless others in the large forest. Its branches shook as a small form crawled up, using its oaken branches as leverage.

Long silver hair fluttered in the breeze as the small figure popped up to sit on the impossibly high branch in the tree. They sat down on the branch an stared up into the dark sky. High above a bright star glowed with a brilliant red hue. The form of the girl sat motionless on the branch until a voice called up to her.

"Hoshimi, come on, we have to go back!"

"Coming," she called back and began to descend the tree, preforming a balanced back flip onto the ground, landing lightly on the feet, her silvery kimono fluttering to her bare feet. Her brother stared at her. "What were you doing up there?" He asked, his onyx hair brushing his forehead. She gave him a small smile.

"Just following the future advice of a yellow haired man," she spoke softly, ruffling his black hair hair playfully. "Race you back!" she cried joyfully, taking off at an astonishing speed.

He stared after her vanishing figure, a smile appearing on his face. He gave one last glance to the sky, and took off, "Your on!"

A/N: MY OC IS NOT GOING TO BE OP! End o discussion. I know how others make their ocs over powered. mine will not NOT be OP. that is FINAL! She can and will be hurt in this story, and she is not immortal, it somewhat seems that way since she hides the pain.

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