Broken Bond

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Hoshimi waited up on the rooftops above King Il's room, watching the events unfold in her mind as they happened in the room. She listened as Soo-won spoke of his father's death, how he was avenging his father. She tensed as Yona cried, as Kye-sook opened the doors and three soldiers came in behind Yona.

"Master Soo-won, the preparations are complete. I see you've obtained your long-cherished ambition," Kye-sook said.

"Did...Princess yona..?" He looked at Soo-won. "Then your choice is simple. Kill her, Master Soo-won." Kye-sook spoke. "You must make sure the princess won't talk..."

"Soo-won..." Yona murmured shakily.

A shining arrow flew though the air, piercing Soo-won in the shoulder and he staggered back. Kye-sook's eyes widened.

"Who dares!?"

"I dare." a cold voice spoke.

* * * * *

Soo-won looked up, pain glinting in his eye from the arrow embedded deep in his skin, already pouring crimson blood. There was a glitter of light, and as he raised his head, he was met with burning violet blue, dragon eyes.

He couldn't even grasp the emotions inside him before Hoshimi vanished, kicking a burning candle onto a tapestry, which immediately caught flame. She hoisted Yona to her feet and ran from the room. Kye-sook ordered the soldiers with him to put the fire out as the two ran.

He stood, Kye-sook giving him a cloth and wiping the blood from his blade. "Please catch them," he said. "Sir!" the soldier said as he gave chase.

* * * * *

Hoshimi rounded the corners sharply, dragging a still shocked Yona behind. She was well aware of the rope nearing Yona's ankle, and braced herself and Yona was yanked down.

She moved, twisting mid-jerk, so she would take the brunt of the fall, and stood, letting Yona rest on her hands and knees, tears streaming from the princess's face. The guards surrounded her, and she whirled her head around.

"Servant," a soldier spoke. He must not know who I am, Hoshimi thought as he addressed her. "Are you really willing to die for Princess Yona?" he sneered.

Hoshimi stared silently as Soo-won appeared with cold eyes. "Soo-won!" Yona cried. A soldier raised a sword, but before he could even think, she was before him, grabbing his arm and flinging him straight through the walls. Kye-sook gasped lightly. Hoshimi lunged as the soldiers surged towards Yona, her katanas appearing in her hands, lashing out at anyone who dared.

There was a rush of wind as a long sword appeared, throwing many into the walls with mortal gashes. It was Hak. Soo-won only stared with cold eyes

"I tried to stay out of the way tonight, what with your highness being here." Hak said. "But the guards that should be at their posts are all here...along with an ugly new face...."

"What do you think you're doing? Huh, you Highness?"

"H-Hak.." Yona stuttered as he turned and knelt in front of her. "I'm sorry I left your side, Princess Yona." Yona leaned forward, Hoshimi watched the soldiers. "Hak...are you...on my side?" He somewhat looked surprised then smiled. "I was told by the king to protect you. No matter what happens." Hak said as he rose. "I will obey that command!" He said, swinging around to face the soldiers.

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