Chapter Twenty-Two

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I had to think fast. Really fast. 

"Of course Roman! I'd love to!" I replied sweetly, furiously hoping my fear didn't leak through my words. 

His lips curled into a smile as he beckoned me to follow. I had to love him if I wanted to save everyone here - including myself. I thought of ways to escape. I could burn him, but what if that effected the ones trapped within his Virtue? I had no idea what his gift entailed. Plus, poor Quinn was way too close for me to just hit him. I shuddered at the sickly manner in which Roman was treating her. We were in the tent he had set up, and it did not have the capacity to carry more than 2 people.

"Amara baby, come here," he whispered as Vienna's lips left his for two seconds. I cautiously shuffled closer, trying not to notice Quinn's new found attachment to the man in dreadlocks. I couldn't take this. I had to free them. Now. Taking advantage of his closed eyes I darted out of the tent as silently as I could manage in search of Ursula. I found her etching hearts into the sand.

"Ursula you have to protect everyone's mind from virtues," I fell to my knees before her, taking her face in my hands, trying to get her focus. Her eyes flickered and her dilated pupils transformed into small pins.

"You horrid girl," She hissed. "He's mine." She flew on top of me, smacking my head into the ground. Soon after the thump of my head I heard the rustling of leaves and Slate appeared, glaring at my dirt laden body.

"Amara?! I thought we were friends. I guess allowing us to be happy wasn't part of your agenda."

He stepped over me menacingly, and I cowered into the ground like a terrified animal. Suddenly there was someone else in front of me, and as I peered up at them I recognized Alec. 

"I get first hit," He hissed at Slate, readying his fist.

I couldn't run now. I had a slim chance with Slate to begin with, but Alec? He could be a mile ahead of me in seconds. 

Alec yanked me up aggressively and told Slate to hold me so I couldn't move. I shook my head at him, desperately pleading not to hurt me. His knuckles connected with my face in a cold-hearted punch, thunderous amounts of pressure now occupying my head as the coppery taste of blood filled my mouth. Roman stood behind Alec, Quinn and Vienna still at his sides. My pounding head buzzed to think of a way out of this. Roman had to open his eyes. My unending begging had no effect on his apathetic expression. 

"Too bad you've got the wrong girl," I tried, transforming my voice into a deep and raspy monotone. "I can't believe you dumb-asses didn't realize I am a Scaevus."

Roman's green eyes met mine as Slate momentarily loosened his grip and I propelled towards the regenerative forest. It was exhausting to maneuver through the trees in the utter darkness, and I was terrified Roman would recollect himself fast enough to send Alec after me. My legs were flinging dirt behind me, and my heart pounded ruthlessly. I hadn't a single fragment of an idea as to how far away this forest was, and that scared me shitless. Finally I felt the slight tingle of the forest boundary and I collapsed on the ground, my heavy breathing a deafening sound in the silence of the night. Roman couldn't effect me here. I could feel my pulse on every part of my body as I rolled over to my back, watching my chest uncontrollably heave up and down. 

Why hadn't Roman used his Virtue the first time he was at camp? Maybe he wasn't strong enough, but still. So many questions attacked my mind. It dawned on me how powerful emotion control was. He could force every single person in that camp into a state of suicidal depression. I scrambled up to my feet. I had to do something before it was too late. 

I spit out the remainder of blood as my face healed from Alec's massive hand, forcing my self to go back to camp.

Every step I took sent a chill through my body, half expecting Alec to pop up and kill me. It took me a lot longer to get back than it did to leave, for obvious reasons. I don't think Roman expected me to come back so early, which would seriously work to my advantage. Plus, the sun was impending on the darkness of the early morning, and only an idiot would return in broad daylight. 

My first target was Ursula. Hopefully she was back to loving Roman as opposed to hating me. I spotted her chatting bubbly with Roman as if they were best friends. 

Shit. Roman expected me to come back for Ursula. I guess he assumed she was the reason his Virtue was useless against me. I very cautiously made my way around, trying to find someone that was alone. I discovered Jay dozing on his sleeping bag, eerily whispering Roman's name. I glanced around and made my way over. 

"Jay," I hissed, gently shaking his shoulder so he would wake up.

He blinked a couple time's and groggily sat up, staring at me in confusion. 

"Sorry to wake you up! Listen, I heard Clara say some rude things about Roman, and I think you should tell him. Ursula's with him right now, so tell her Aldo wants to surprise Roman and send her here. Don't mention my name or Roman will hate you. Just bring Roman to Clara so you can find out why she's being mean to him. Got it?" 

I couldn't help but be a little surprised at Jay's eagerness to help Roman as he leaped to his feet and ran in the direction of his idol. I felt bad for throwing Clara into this, but I had to do what I could and she was the only female not with him. 

Desperately hoping this would work I sighed in relief as Ursula came into view. I didn't have long before Roman would notice something off. 

I greeted her warmly as she wondered why Aldo wasn't here. I rushed a made up explanation and began one of my own. 

"Listen, Hail seems to not love Roman," Ursula gasped, and in a different turn of events I would've laughed. "I think Malus is blocking Hail's love! I need you to protect his mind so we can all love Roman!"

I tried to sound as genuine as I possibly could as Ursula nodded ambitiously. She lead me to Hail and wordlessly grabbed his head, much to his confusion. 

"Amara," A voice boomed from the other side of camp. "I know you're here. I'd suggest leaving because in two seconds every single one of your friends will be very angry - and slightly murderous."

My breathing became uneven as I watched Ursula use her Virtue. She stopped and glared at me. 

"I hate you."

I turned to run as she prepared to once again throw me down. I inhaled sharply when I realized my feet were no longer touching the ground and immediately latched onto Hail as we shot up. Ursula had done her job. He was free!

"Hail, take us to the regeneration forest! We'll be safe there." I shouted at him through the wind as the distance between the ground and us grew with each second, the jeering people on the ground becoming specks and their cries becoming inaudible.  

My stomach dropped and my face paled as Hail replied. 

"Why would I ever do that. I hate you. You deserve to die," His hoarse voice yelled at me.

And then the arms that were holding me 300 meters up the air mercilessly let go.

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