15 ; i'm yours

17 0 0

||Leia's POV||

"I'm surprised your dad didn't ask you if you used a condom." I laughed. 

"I noticed that too, it's like he doesn't really care. He just seemed excited about our relationship." He chuckles. 

I sat with my legs crossed on the side of his bed while he sat on his chair next to his desk, "Do you have any interviews coming up?" 

"I have one next week, but it's here in Sydney." He explains.

"Is it a radio interview?"

He nods, "Yeah, they're gonna ask us about like how the tour was and our personal lives."

"Well, no one has been hearing about you for a long time...Except that tweet you sent about our relationship."

"I bet the interviewer is going to ask me about that tweet, but it's fine because it's the truth." He strums his guitar.

"Since Ashton confirmed his relationship, why aren't him and Bryana taking cute pictures together?"

Michael shrugs, "That's not my problem." He starts to play his guitar. The tune was somewhat familiar, but I know it's not one of his band's songs. Their band has more of a pop tune to it, but this one is more punk. As I begin to think about what song it is, Michael stops. "Hey! Why'd you stop? I'm trying to think of what song it is!" I exclaim. 

"Okay, the song is-" 

I hush him and he plays it again, one more time. It's a Green Day song. I raise my hand at him, indicating him to stop, "Okay, I know the song, it's When I Come Around by Green Day!" 

"Ding, ding, ding! Coooorect!" He leans in to give me a kiss on my forehead, "Anyways, I've been wondering if you're gonna go to college or not." 

"I don't wanna go to college. I mean by parents want me to, but they said they would support my decision if I chose to go or not," I explain, "Plus, I don't think I'll need a job because they're pretty rich and they provide me shitloads of money." 

"Oooh, that's where you get all your money." He declared. 

"How about you? Are you going to some tours soon?" I ask him. 

"My manager told us that we have to do another tour, but it's more shorter than the other tour I had." 

"Oh, how long is the tour?" 

"About four months." He proclaims. 

I nod, "When does it start?" 


"Why is it so short?" 

"Because we cut a lot of cities out." He explains, "And because I might miss you." 

I roll my eyes, "Pfft, Michael, you and your band discussed that tour thing before we even date." 

"True, it was just because we needed some breaks from being famous and stuff." 

I flop down on his bed and look up at his ceiling, "Oh shit, I think I left my bra in your man cave." 

"Well, I'm gonna keep it for when I go on tour so I can remember the first time I fucked you." He lays down next to me. 

"You're so cheesy and kinky." I roll my eyes. 

"Well, you're gonna have to deal with it," He brings me closer to him, "I love you." 

"I love you, too." I smile. 

"We would make wonderful babies." Michael mentioned. 

"Dude, we just started dating and now you're wondering about babies..." I raise an eyebrow. 

"Why not? Like they could have my eyes or your eyes, our hair, your cute lil' nose, and my mouth." 

I smile while thinking of what our baby would look like, "It'd be nice, but we're too young, and you're famous, and we just started dating, and then all your fans would make a big deal out of it." 

"That's if we're older, like I'd love to have babies, I'd name one Michael Jr." 

"Michael Jr.? Are you fucking serious?" 

"I'm kidding, but I'd probably name my son like Noah or if it's a girl I'd name her like Marie, yanno?" 

"I like those names." 

He scrunches up his nose and says, "God, why am I thinking about this? I'm sorry." 

"No, it's okay to be curious." I told him. Suddenly, I get a call from my phone. It's my mom. I answer the phone and sit up on Michael's bed. 

"Leia? How are you? I haven't talked to you in a long time!" 

"Oh, I'm fine, mum, how are you doing in South America?" 

"Well, Leia. Your father and I have been thinking about coming back home to Australia, and it turns out we're coming home in a week and we have a big surprise for you!" 

A surprise? What is it now? Cheesy stuff toys from all the places they traveled to? "That's great, mum! But how long will you guys stay here is Australia?" 

"We're actually done traveling, but we might do more observations there." 

Shit. Does this mean that I might have to move back to my old house? Does this also mean I have to tell my parents I'm dating Michael? And that's terrible because I know, Michael knows how much my parents hate him because of how they think he's bad and that shit. But to be honest, I don't want them to come home... 

"That's good... Well, I gotta go, bye mom." 

"Okay, bye Leia." She hangs up the phone first and I sit there staring at my phone. 

"Leia? What's wrong?" 

I turn to him and say, "My parents are coming home soon." 

"Isn't that good news?" 

"It's not actually, because I might have to move back to our house and then they could find out that I'm dating you." 

"Don't you want them to know- Oh wait. They hate me." 

I nod, "Yeah, but do you think they'll accept that we're dating?" 

"I dunno, but when they come home, we can both tell them ourselves." He suggests. 

"Hopefully, they'll understand." I smile. 

"I hope so too, because your mine and mine only." 

I take his hand, "I'm yours." 

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