Chapter 3-Goobye

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Yesterday I told him that he wouldn't be picked. That I wouldn't be picked. That everything would be okay. But today all of that doesn't exist. Today we both are chosen as tributes. Today we are chosen to fight to the death on national television. Today we both aren't safe and sound.

The boys nearby him look at him in shock. A peacekeeper assumes it's him, by the way the others look at him, and comes down the isle and tells him to come. By the time he makes it to the isle, someone screams "Wait!" Everyone turns around and tries to discover who said that. At first I find relief, that at least my brother is safe. In an instant I realize that I know the owner to that voice, and that no one is safe.

"I volunteer as tribute." Elliot announces as he makes his way to the isle.

"Oh, it appears we have a volunteer!" Flishia joyfully said." Brent runs down the isle to our parents, free of the peacekeepers. Elliot gets on the stage right next to me, and gives me a sympathetic look. "What is your name?" Flishia says.

"Elliot" he says nervously.

"Well, shake hands you two." In an instant we run to each other, and I hug him with all my might. The crowd reacts with silence. They probably think I am hugging him because he saved my brother. Usually there is at least a clap or two, but our hug probably held them back.

After the mayor recites the Treaty of Treason, the remaining children are dismissed, and are sent home. Elliot and I however, are guided into the justice building, and are forced into separate rooms.

The room I am settled in has a couch, a few chairs, and is very well decorated. The doors open up immediately with my family rushing in. They all don't say a word, but are mostly crying. My mother and father don't know where to begin, neither does Brent. We are all crying, because we all know the odds won't be in my favor in the arena. Finally my dad comes to his senses and calms us down.

"Look," he says firmly. "I can't lose you like I lost my brother. He lost because he was a career. Kaya, I don't know what ages of kids will be in that arena or what talents they might have, but be smart. You don't have to be a career if you don't trust them." My dad leans over to me and gives me a big hug and kisses me on my forehead.

"Yeah, Kaya." Brent steps up. "You are smart and you can win. Win so you can come home!" And he lost it again. I walk over to him and give him a huge hug. He takes off his bracelet I bought him, and buts it on my left wrist. "Please wear it." He says in between sobs.

"I will, and I'll do anything to come back home, don't you worry." Then I focus my attention on the three of them as a whole. "Listen, whatever you see on that screen is not the whole story. Know in your heart that I am doing whatever I can to stay alive. I love you guys so much!" And then I'm crying my eyes out.

Brent comes to me again, this time a little bit calmer. "Remember what you told me about today. They prick our finger, then we get into our age groups and gender, we watch the movie, then they pick the girl and boy, and then we go home. We both are going to be going back home." I start tearing up even more.

"Yes, we will both be safe and sound." I assure him and force a smile. He leans over and gives me another hug. The peacekeeper returns and orders them out as we are saying our last goodbyes.

I return to the couch, taking deep breaths. What am I thinking? I can't possibly win. Yes I can kill a fish or two with a spear, make a net, and even do a little combat, but the other careers have years of practice. Careers. Elliot! I have to face him in the arena! For sure we will be allies, but I can't even imagine him dead, or even both of us dead.

At that moment I get a second round of guests. Elliot's family walks in with really nothing to say. Jasmine has obviously been crying, and she hops on my lap and wraps her little arms around me. I try to calm her down by repeating "It's okay, it's okay..." The rest of the time is really talking about how they love me, and to stay strong.

"Kaya, just remember to stay strong. No matter what they throw at you, just think of home." Elliot's mother said. Within seconds, their time is up, and I am alone in the room again.

I walk towards the window and see things going on like normal. The children are safe with their parents, only having to wait another year until it begins again. Only this time, I probably won't be one of them.

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