Chapter 25 - Top Three

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I wake up later that day later confused out of my mind. What the hell happened? I open my eyes and sit up painfully. Oh yeah, I was attacked by a lion-wolf mutt yesterday. Few of the cuts and scratches seem to be fading away, but many will probably scar me forever. If I live.

I limp away from out in the open and wander somewhere else. I have absolutely nothing on me. No knives, no backpack, no food or water, no allies. I open my mouth to call out for them, but then I stay quiet. We are in the Hunger Games after all, Toby or Brandi could kill me at any moment.

Then I hear a cannon. And another one. How many of us are left? Before the two cannons there was me, Toby, Brandi, Crystal, Elliot, and the boy from twelve. That pool of six is down to four. Boom! Make that three.

This is getting very real very fast. I could die at any moment. Anyone could die at any moment. I'm hoping and praying that it's only Crystal, Elliot, and me left. We can all team up and live together until the gamemakers throw mutts and whatever they want at us until two of us die. Hah, we could even build a treehouse and live up there forever until the stupid Capitol gamemakes creates a tornado to kill all of us but one.

The sky gets dark very fast, and we all know whats happening. The anthem begins and the Capitol's seal shines in the air and I hold my breath. The first face to show is Brandi's. Relief sinks in and I sigh. The next face to appear is Crystals. I sink to my knees and continue to stare up at the sky. Crystal's gone. Just like that. But nothing prepares me for the next tribute, it's Elliot.

I start crying hysterically on the ground of the jungle. Elliot's gone, forever. I'll never see him again. I won't have anymore great times with him again. I'll never be able to love anyone again. I never got to say goodbye.

I remember only hours ago he was with me in the cave with Crystal. Yesterday was my birthday and we were all telling stories. We were all laughing and singing happily. but now all of that doesn't matter because now they are both gone. Elliot was seventeen, and he died because of the games.


Brent's POV

I'm the only one downstairs watching the games because I skipped work today. I was going to help out at the docks like I was supposed to do this summer, but that was before Kaya was reaped, before I was reaped. The guys at the dock are easy on me because they know all about my sister in the arena, but another day I skip is another payment I skip.

Both my parents are at work, but I promised them I would let them know everything that happens while they are gone when they get home. So far Kaya has been sleeping and so has Elliot and Crystal.

But then we see Toby and Brandi. My heart sinks to my stomach. They are approaching Elliot and Crystal. "Hi there allies." Toby says, which wakes up Elliot and Crystal right away.

"H-hi," Crystal says.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" Toby asks with a smile on his face.

"What do you want?" Elliot asks as Crystal and him get up.

"Where's your girlfriend." Toby asks a little bit more seriously.

"I don't know." Elliot shrugs.

"I said," Toby says as he puts Elliot in a headlock and presses a knife to Elliot's neck. "Where is your girlfriend?"

Behind Toby, Brandi aims an arrow at Crystal for backup.

"Back there somewhere, maybe! She was attacked by mutts." Crystal blurts out.

"Thank you." Brandi says as she lets go of the string. The arrow flies straight into Crystal's stomach before anyone could even process what happened.

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