Six Degrees of Seperation (A GiriPan Fanfic)

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Prologue: A Tale of a Broken Heart

Japan's POV:

I thought you would always be there beside me but I guess things always have to change in this world. I can picture you in my head, smiling like nothing happened. You were always so carefree and you never even realized how I always watched you. You never realized the happiness I felt when you were there, even if it was only for a day. You never did love anybody but him, after all. That was something that would never change, your love for a person who broke your heart in two.

As soon as I ventured into the world I was forced to be separated by so many people, maybe as a punishment for becoming a powerful nation. Thinking back on it now, I can remember how naïve I was to think this would turn out in my favor. Longing feelings only leave you heartbroken, after all. Why do I delude myself every time in thinking those things might change? This is my greatest mistake in life and has almost destroyed me a few times and it was destroying me again.

"Enough of this." I declared to an empty house.

Never again would I fall in love, just to satisfy my own feelings. Never again would I allow someone to come that close to me, just because it makes me happy for a time. Never again! Never! Ever!

Content with my declaration, I decided to get away for a long while. At times like these, the large empty house just ends up reminding me of my empty heart. Also a house, which can only echo your anger and cries back at you, doesn't make for a good listener. These were the times when you needed to confide in an actual person. If I dump my problems on somebody else, that isn't declared as being close to them right? I had to believe that was true for now.

Not being close to too many people, finding someone to talk to was very hard. Somehow I felt that there was only one person who I could talk to that wouldn't make me feel like an emotional wreck. There was always someone who could describe things to me that I couldn't understand before. He was someone who would entertain me for hours with his wild stories of mythology and would never get angry.

I found myself on the next plane, flying myself all the way over in the Southeast Europe just to see him. When I had arrived, clutching my bags tightly to my body, I found Greece sitting on a hill, gazing out at the sky. He looked me over and gave me a nod, slightly moving his arm in a motion that meant I should sit down beside him. I sat twiddling my fingers, wondering where I should start. I had allot I wanted to get off my chest right now but somehow I couldn't speak any of it.

"Did you want me to tell you another story?" he asked, breaking the silence.

I shook my head, placing my hands in my lap. "I just needed to talk to someone."

He tilted his head in confusion. "Just to talk to someone?"

I shook my head again. "No, you don't have to say anything. I just need you to listen."

He nodded, and gave a slight sigh as he leaned back on his hands. "All right, I will listen."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Something bad happen?" he asked.

I didn't really know how to respond to that. The memories themselves were nothing bad at all, but the fact that I shared those memories with him while he felt something for someone else was the bad part. I loved the way he smiled, but hated that he smiled for another person. Something like this could not just be described as "something bad". This would be described as the tragedy of separation.

I decided to start from the beginning. "I felt very strongly about someone and I spent my times by his side, hoping he felt the same."

Greece eyes widened a little. "How long?"

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