Six Degrees of Separation | Chapter 2 | Japan

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"Why are you here?" I ask England, unable to hide the surprise in my voice.

England steps forward, a look of shame in his eyes. "I-I heard you were here, so I decided to pay you a visit..."

Normally, Greece would be welcoming him in, inviting him to some tea and a story of Greek mythology. However, this time, he had this hateful look in his eye as he looked at England, and he just left the room without even a word. It really seemed unlike him...

"I see..." It was hard for me to find the words to reply to this man. I was still heartbroken because of him, and I could scarcely breath when he was in the room. "Why?"

At this, he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "W-Well, I can't help but feel as if I really wronged you, and I want to make it right."

My eyes are downcast, and my mood falls into one of despair. "You can't make it right... You can't fix it..."

He's insistent, however, and he lets out a groan of frustration. "Come on, Japan! There has to be some way... Some way in which we can still be friends..."

"We can be friends..." I say bitterly. "However, it won't ever be the same."

"I know." He utters a painful sigh. "And I'm truly sorry. I can't help the way I feel about him just like you can't help the way you feel about me. Surely you can understand that?"

I nod, however my mood didn't brighten. "I understand it, but it doesn't make it any less painful..."

"Is there anything I can do?" Impatiently, he wonders.

There is only one answer. I shake my head. "Nothing you do now can change what's been done."

He bit into his lip, putting a hand to his forehead. "I was afraid of that."

However, I found the courage within myself to speak up with a small smile. "It will take time for these wounds to heal. However, I believe, with enough time and thought, that even this friendship can be mended."

Apparently this sets his mind at least a little bit at ease, and he smiles back at me. He holds out a hand. "Until then?"

Gently, I shake his hand. "Until then."

Without another word or second glance England leaves, and I watch him from the window. Apparently he brought America with him, and they both walked hand in hand back to wherever they had come from. I close the blinds, and turn away.

"You're still too soft on him..." Greece mutters as he enters the room, crossing his arms over his chest.

I can't help but smile, though I know it's not a compliment at all. "Well, it's to be expected. He's the one I fell in love with, after all."

This does not set Greece's mind at ease, and he turns around grumpily. "I still don't understand you..."

Confused, I follow after him, and I give him a concerned glance. "Greece... Are you angry?"

I could see the way his hands were shaking, though he tried to hide them by balling up his fists. He didn't try to deny it now that I mentioned it. "Yes, I am."

I tilted my head, trying my best to comprehend why. However, my mind was still filled with the conversation with England just now, and I couldn't make out any proper reasons why Greece would be upset. "Are you angry at me?"

"Of course not." He adds with a sigh. "How could I be angry with you?"

"Then at what?"

He walks toward the window, pulling back the curtains to reveal a white cat who was napping under the sunlight. Greece rests his shoulder against the window pane, petting the cat gently. I can remember a time in which I was upset, and he held me like that, stroking my hair until I stopped crying and went to sleep. It was the most calming feeling ever- the touch of his soft hands.

He hadn't answered me, and I was getting a little worried. "Greece?"

Still, his eyes were set on some other horizon, and I couldn't pinpoint exactly what he must be thinking right at this moment. What could be festering within his soul right now? A feeling aching as painful as mine? "I'm angry at myself."

My eyebrows draw together, and I take a few steps forward. However, when he tenses, I stand still, not wanting to burden him any further, or make him feel uncomfortable. "Greece, you've done nothing wrong..."

"It's because I've done nothing that's the problem..." He begins, letting out a sigh. "You suffered so much, and yet I can't seem to do anything to help you..."

"Greece..." He seems so distraught, all because of me. How can I pull others into my own misery like this? "You've opened up your home to me, listened to me, been there for me... You've done plenty for me."

"And yet..." He begins, turning to look at me. "You still don't understand how I feel, do you?"

"I don't understand..."

He licks his lips, looking back down at the cat, his fingers stroking through it's hair. "Every time I stroked you like this. Every time I welcomed you into my home. I didn't just do it because I had a good heart, or because we were friends."

"Then why?"

Greece stands, slowly walking towards me. When he reaches me he reaches out a hand and holds my hand within his own. "I did all that because I fell in love with you Japan, and I hoped that maybe, if I did enough, that you would grow to love me back..."

This sudden revelation makes me stop dead, and my eyes waver as I look at his pained face. "Greece... I..."

He sighs, letting go of my hand. "I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone now."

And, just like that, he left the room, and went outside, sitting in the sunset like he always did to relax before a long nap. I clutched my hand close to my chest, still feeling the warmth and softness of Greece's hand as he held it. I've got a lot of thinking to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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