new place

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Sandra pov
It was sunday evening and i had just finished my run and I walked in to my house and sitting on my table was a letter i walked over and read it,it said Sandra
This is a family freind and i would like you to come live with my six would have all the amenities a werewolf would need
Who wrote this i mean my parents were pretty much loners so they didn't know that many people. Nevertheless packed my bags and belongings and headed out but not be for cheaking were in gods green earth i would be going. i found the address and found out it was only a mile away so instead of hailing a cab i walked. About 20 minutes later i was at the door step of a beautiful mansion. I knocked but no answer so i tried again and this time the door opened on its own."thats not strange at all" i said sarcastically and entered. Immediately i was hit with the smell of vampires i dropped everything and transformed in to my wolf (by the way her wolf is ....about 7ft 10.) And walked towards the smell and found the source of the smell a red head vampire boy probably about 16 asleep on a sofa. I got close and was about to go in for the kill when he woke up and "transported" himself behind me. I spun around and got in my fighting stance. "What is a mongrel like you doing here" the boy asked. I just growled. "Like i would talk to you" i thought i started walking towards the boy in preparation to attak but then a voice said "ayato whats going on here" i looked over and saw another boy with black/purple hair and glasses,"how should i know reji" said the boy i now know as ayoto and the boy now known as reji glared at me i just huffed and sat down and looked bored. He glared even more when i did that. I snickered and when i did that both boys looked at me and i stopped but didn't drop the smart ass look on my snout. "Well by the looks of it yoy came to stay" reji said when he saw my bags "we will take them to your room" "it better not be pink" i thought then the boys started walking g and reji signaled for me to follow,i got up and followed being careful not to break anything with my huge tail. When we got there i smelled even more vampires coming then up at the top of the stairs a vampire that looked like ayoto stood and stared down at me with curiosity "ayoto when did you bring the okami here" he said and i bared my fangs and growled at him "oh okami has a temper" he chuckled. Then three others appeared but i had zoned out so i didn't her what they said..... then someone cleared they're througt and i snapped out of it and looked up. It was reji and he asked "would you mind shifting forms so we can talk?"i shook my head and he sighed "well can you talk?" I nodded but kept quiet. Reji finally git the hint that i would not talk so he took it a pin him self to carry on the conversation."well we should all introduce ourselves my name is reji,the deadbeat "blond one "i thought "is shu the two red heads are ayoto and laito the purple haired one is kanato and the white haired one is Subaru." I nodded in acknowledgment. There was a period of silence but the the red head in the fedora said "so whats your name?" I finally decided to talk but when in my wolf form my voice sounds almost male. "My name is Sandra" "Sandra" liato mused "uhm so now i will show you to your room" said reji. We went up the stairs and the entire time i felt all eyes on my back. But i ingored it and trotted up the stairs growling my wolfy growl the entire time to my room.

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