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Sandra pov
As we walked down stairs i stopped and shifted surprising all the boys then i bolted past them and ran out the window shattering the glass a couple seconds later i heard them welling and chasing after me i swervedleft and went in to the gardens,suddenly Subaru was right next to me running and glaring then he lunged and tried to grab me but i sank my teeth in his arm and flung him in to the stone wall,all the while running. I made it to the crypt and there was shu i growled and ran head long into him plowing him down,then liato caught up to me i just knock him out with my tail,i made it the the family cemetery and kanato was right there i bit his leg and flung him just as i had done to Subaru, i kept running till i came to the pond i knew that if i crossed it the woods would be there and I'd be free, suddenly reji and ayato were on either side of me. I growled and backed towards the pond, they both got the idea of what I was doing and lunged at me, we started fighting,ayato was good at the fast obvious moves,those we ere the ones that kept me moving and reji was good at the quick and precise movements,i had just pinned down ayato and knocked him out when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the back of my leg I spun around howling to see Reji with a syringe and needle with some sort of liquid inside, I lunged only to start seeing double and missed him by a mile. I kept trying to fight him and I was able to hit one or two blows when whatever he injected me with took over and I passed out.
" so much for an escape" I thought just before everything went black

I know this one was kind of a bad chapter but it was kind of filler so next one will be much better I promise

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