Just One

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Prolouge How I Got Here

"Just one more." Ethan Flemming's silky voice wafted through my ears. It was deep and manly in all the right ways. I had already had four shots and I knew as a light weight drinker that I would be drunk very soon. However, it was something about the way his eyes pierced into my soul, begging me to down the next glass.

"Fine." I tilted my head back, tossing the shot, barely feeling the burn. After that, my memory was hazy. I knew I had fun. I knew I woke up naked next to Ethan the next morning. What I didn't know, though, was that my life was about to change completely.

Three weeks later, I awoke to a loud banging on my bedroom door. I shared an apartment with my best friend, Ashley, and every morning at four we would go jogging. This particular morning though, I just didn't feel like it.

"Hey, are we going jogging or not?" She poked her head through the now open doorway.

"Na-" I cut myself off when my stomach knotted up. Feeling sick, I threw my covers back and made a mad dash for the bathroom toilet. Ashley followed me and held my hair as I emptied the contents of my stomach. After finishing, I rinsed my face and brushed my teeth. Ashley had disappeared and suddenly reappeared with a little pink box. She had gone to get the emergency pregnancy test for literal emergencies.

"You need to check." I eyed Ashley, then the test, and back to Ashley before I shook my head.

"I can't be, Ash. I just had my period like a week ago." I shrugged my shoulders in avoidance.

"How long did it last though?" Obviously she had read the same article that I did about spotting.

"Fine." I moodily snatched the test away from her and did my business. Some people might think of it weird to go to the bathroom right in front of your friend, but Ashley and I had been friends since the eighth grade. We were no longer shy about anything.

Three minutes later, I cursed loud enough and colorful enough for the neighbors to blush in embarrasment. However, I didn't care.

"How the f*** did this happen?!?" I was yelling. I was mad. I wanted to kill Ethan.

How did I know it was Ethan? Because he was the only man I had been with since May, four months ago.

"How do you think it happened?" Ashley gave me a no-duh look before tossing the test in the bin. There was no need to keep that. "When are you going to tell him?" She asked me this with a serious voice.

"I'm not. There are women all the time who raise their babies alone for one reason or another. I don't see the problem with me doing that. I mean, it's only a kid right? We babysat in high school." I shrugged my shoulders. The worst part was that at twenty, I would probably never look like I did before the pregnancy.

"You have to tell him." She eyed me in partial annoyance.

"No, I don't. Not to mention, I don't want to be blamed for ruining his 'perfect' life. He probably has some skinny blonde girlfriend or something by now." I shook my head repeatedly before climbing back into bed. There was no need to face the world on the day that I found out it only took Just One Night.

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